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Dorothy under the intoxicating influence of her passion might become so possessed by the spirit of a martyr that she could calmly take a flogging, but my belief was that should matters proceed to that extreme, should Sir George flog his daughter, the chords of her highly strung nature would snap under the tension, and she would die.

But I can and I will flog him, and you can tell him from me that if he hasn't found his tongue by to-morrow morning I'll take the skin off his back as sure as my name's Joyce. Have you said all that?" "Yes, sir." "Well, you can sleep upon it, you beauty, and a good night's rest may it give you!"

I reckon, sah, day calculate dat when dey sell his wife Tony get mad and run away, and den when dey catch him again day flog him pretty near to death. Folk always do dat with runaway slaves; no one can say nuffin agin dem for dat." "It's an infamous shame that it should be lawful to separate man and wife," Vincent said. "However, we will see what we can do.

They appointed the senators and the two Quaestors, who came to have charge of the treasury, under consular supervision. The consuls were attended by twelve Lictors, who carried the fasces bundles of rods fastened around an ax, which symbolized the power of the magistrate to flog or to behead offenders.

"But about the prisoners in my report, sir," remonstrated Fry. "Oh, you can see to that without my coming," replied Hawes with nonchalance. "Put 40 and 45 in the jacket four hours apiece. Mind there's somebody by with the bucket against they sham." "Yes, sir." "Put the boy on bread and water and to-morrow I'll ask the justices to let me flog him. No. 14 humph! stop his supper and his bed and gas."

Beach, when a hound skirted, halloo out, "d my blood, Williams, don't you see that bound! flog him in, or cut his liver out," &c. &c. Then his reverence would ride like the very devil; and this was such a common thing, that I have heard the huntsman order him about in the same way.

One day dis Captain Ironfist dat was his name go to flog Ali, but Ali draw his knife and swear he die first or kill de captain; but de captain knocked him down wid one handspike, and put Ali in irons, and den flog him, and den put him back in irons; and den carried him to port, and den put him into prison.

But you won't though; he's not in the service, and you sha'n't touch him; but I'll tell you what, keep yourself on board, Mr Leeftenant, for if I cotches you on shore, I'll make you sing in a way you don't think on. Yes, flog my Jemmy, my dear darling duck of a Jemmy stop a minute I'm coming aboard."

You were almost ready to flog me for it at the time." "Oh, that!" Avery said, looking away again. "Yes, of course I might remind you of that if I wanted to be personal; but, you see, I don't." "Why not!" said Piers stubbornly. "You were personal enough yesterday." The dimple, for which Avery was certainly not responsible, appeared suddenly near her mouth.

You haven't much to do when we move, and may get plenty to eat and drink wherever you go. Does that girl mean to marry Lord Nidderdale? Madame Melmotte shook her head. 'What a poor creature you must be when you can't talk her out of a fancy for such a reprobate as young Carbury. If she throws me over, I'll throw her over. I'll flog her within an inch of her life if she disobeys me.