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"For there was no call to count his eldest son's running off with a dairymaid, it being well beknown," they would observe with severity, "that his mother never would let e'er a one of the young madams as were suitable to marry him come nigh the house." The dairymaid belonged to their parish, and so afforded them another ground of triumph over their rivals.

You call it an ill angel it may be so, But sure I am, among the ranks which fell, 'Tis the first fiend e'er counsell'd man to rise, And win the bliss the sprite himself had forfeited.

"Howsomever, 'tis Jerry I'm arter my mate Jeremy as went adrift from me my mate Jerry as could sing so true, but I was the lad to dance!" And here he must needs fall a-dancing in his rags, singing hoarsely: "Heave-ho, lads, and here's my ditty! Saw ye e'er in town or city A lass to kiss so sweet an' pretty As Bess o' Bednall Green.

Meantime God hath been as good to thee as to e'er a woman born; and do but bethink thee it might have been a girl; didn't my very own Kate threaten me with one; and here we have got the bonniest boy in Holland, and a rare heavy one, the saints be praised for't." "Ay, mother, I am but a sorry, ungrateful wretch to weep. If only Gerard were here to see it.

Happy is it for a good man, when he has such a friend to close his eyes: This is a desire peculiar to all, and the portion of few to enjoy. For who to dumb forgetfulness a prey, This pleasing anxious being e'er resign'd; Left the warm precincts of the chearful day, Nor cast one longing lingring look behind.

"I dunno if you've any call to be talkin' that fashion," said the Widdy M'Gurk, disapprovingly, "as if you could be walkin' permisc-yis into Heaven widout wid your lave or by your lave. Maybe it isn't there any of us'ill be bringin' our news." "Might you know of e'er a better place then, ma'am?" said Con.

"Drinking and driving ower," quoth Jenny, "wi' the Steward and John Gudyill." "So, so he's safe enough and where are my comrades?" asked Halliday. "Birling the brown bowl wi' the fowler and the falconer, and some o' the serving folk." "Have they plenty of ale?" "Sax gallons, as gude as e'er was masked," said the maid.

She was tall, very little above the medium height, slender, graceful, with a delicate, arched neck and the "fairest face the sun e'er shone on." Not beautiful that word would not describe her; fair, sweet and lovely.

E'er I depart I would assoil my soul of all taint. Therefore incline thine ear, Master Devereaux, and receive my confession. It cuts me to the quick to make acknowledgment, but I have hated thee because thy skill with the bow was greater than mine." She paused for a moment. It was hard for Francis Stafford to confess fault even though she believed herself to be dying.

In dreams thou comest to me; And, dreaming, I play with the lotus bowl, And sing old songs to thee; And hear from afar the Memnonian strain, And calls from dear Simbel; And wake to a passion of grief and pain That e'er I said Farewell! At the conclusion of the song the singer was past the cluster of palms. The last word farewell floated past Ben-Hur weighted with all the sweet sorrow of parting.