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"I think my pipe's on the mantelshelf," returned Geordie, "but I doot it's empty." Andrew took down the pipe, filled it generously, set it alight, and sat for a few minutes trying vainly to keep up a connected conversation. After he had puffed a few minutes at Geordie's pipe he laid it down, dived his hand into his trousers pocket as he made for the door.

Desperate and strong with the strength of giants, they toiled on, the sight of suffering so manifest in Jamie's eyes, as he strove not to cry out, spurring them onward. "Ye'll never lift that bit, Tam," said Jamie, as four of them tore at the block which lay upon his leg. "It's faur too big. Take an ax an' hack the leg off. I doot it'll be wasted anyway. Oh, dear! Oh, dear!"

His work was interluded with comments on men and affairs the very nature of his task brought into play that sense of humor and that stimulation of fancy to which he responded with such readiness. "A' doot whither A'll gi'e ye a moostache," said Tam, surveying his handiwork, "it's no necessairy to a fleein'-mon, but it's awfu' temptin' to an airtist." He scratched his head thoughtfully.

"'Captain Muller," read Tam, "'yesterday shot doon his twenty-sixth aeroplane." "That's Müller," said the other carefully. "I can tell you no more except look after yourself." "Ha'e na doot aboot that, sir-r," said Tam with confidence. He went up that afternoon in accordance with instructions received from headquarters to "search enemy territory west of a line from Montessier to St.

"But it's hard, Jess, that money will buy life after a', an' if Annie wes a duchess her man wudna lose her; but bein' only a puir cotter's wife, she maun dee afore the week 's oot. "Gin we hed him the morn there's little doot she wud be saved, for he hesna lost mair than five per cent. o' his cases, and they 'ill be puir toons-craturs, no strappin' women like Annie.

I've nae doot that I wud hardly be i' the right place amon' angels an' sic like billies. But I tell ye what it is, I maun wirk for my livin' in heaven as weel's here, if ever I get there. I cud never pet aff my time gaen aboot doin' naething an' that's whaur I differ frae the minister."

"I doot he'll be a prisoner," suggests the faithful Mucklewame to the Transport Sergeant. "Aye," assents the Transport Sergeant bitterly; "he'll be a prisoner. No doot he'll try to pass himself off as an officer, for to get better quarters!" Company Sergeant-Major Pumpherston is now Sergeant-Major of the Battalion. Mucklewame is a corporal in his old company.

"Doctor McAlway," I said, "if Old Toombs could know the history of this night it might change his point of view." "I doot it," said the Scotch Preacher. "I doot it." The night passed serenely; the morning saw Old Toombs's hedge standing as gorgeous as ever.

But I wasna sorry for them mair. For the miracle was upon them. And in their een, dinna doot it, the old, grey fronts o' the hooses were green trees. The pavement beneath their feet was the saft dirt o' a country road, or the bonny grass. City folk do long, I'm sure o' it, for the glen and the beauty o' the countryside.

I ha' no doot that I might have improved upon the shelter that I found, had I had time to pick and choose. But any shelter was good just then, and I was glad of mine, and of a chance to catch my breath. Afterward, I saw a picture by Captain Bairnsfather that made me laugh a good deal, because it represented so exactly the way I felt.