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"Take me with you," said Daisy, coming up close to her sister "take me with you, darling, dear Jasmine. I'm much better, I've nearly lost my cough, and the spring is coming; the air feels quite warm to-day do take me, Jasmine, for it is our own secret, and then, after you've got your money for I suppose you'll get a lot of money we can both tell Primrose to-night."

Jeanne stammered in her sleep. She was waking, and on opening her eyes she saw the doctor and became uneasy. "Mamma, who's that?" was her instant question; but her mother kissed her, and replied: "Go to sleep, darling, you haven't been well. It's only a friend." The child seemed surprised; she did not remember anything.

"I destroyed it at once. I hated to see it, to touch it." "I am sorry you did that. It might have contained some clew. Tell me all, Madge. Surely, darling, you don't believe " "Jack, how can you think so?" She glanced up at him with a tender, trustful, and yet half-distressed look in her eyes. "Forgive me, dear. It is not that I doubt you, but but I must ask you one question. You are a free man?

Ah my heart is full of thankfulness to God for you, my darling, and for myself, that the injury was no greater. You might have lost your fingers or your hand; you might even have been killed by falling in such a way as to strike your head very hard upon the ice." "Did anybody ever get killed in that way, papa?" she asked.

I could do no more. Mummy dear, what is the matter? Why do you look at me like that, Mummy?" "I may well ask you what is the matter?" said Mrs. Aylmer, now standing stock still in front of her daughter and raising a round, agitated face to Florence. "Postoffice orders, and from you, Flo! Oh, my dear, darling, precious child, I have been wondering at never hearing from you.

Perhaps it was not too late -perhaps some kind motherly woman would tell her if she were doing right. But they all looked so strange and forbidding, and while she turned the question over and over in her mind, the car stopped, the brakeman called the station and Lennox Sanderson got on. She turned to him in her utter perplexity, forgetting he was the cause of it. "My darling, how pale you are.

But I could not come myself until he knew; and understood; and had forgiven no, not 'forgiven'; understood, and yet still LOVED. For he does now understand? And he does forgive? ... Oh, Garth! ... Oh hush, my darling! ... You frighten me! ... No, I will never leave you; never, never! ... Oh, can't you understand, my beloved? ... Then I must tell you more plainly. Darling, do be still, and listen.

And where is that darling, Miss Betty? Bless her heart! but she twined herself round us all entirely, that she did." It would be wrong to say that Sylvia did not burst into fresh weeping at the sound of Betty's name. But Hester was of stronger mettle. "We have come to you," she said "Oh, Sylvia, do stop crying! it does no manner of good to cry all the time we have come to you, Mrs.

We shall sail off, and she'll be safe." "On the yacht!" repeated Madame Piriac, truly astounded. "But my poor oncle will never agree. You do not know him. You do not know how peculiar he is. Never will he agree! Besides " "Darling," said Audrey quietly and confidently. "If he does not agree, I undertake to go into a convent for the rest of my days." Madame Piriac was silent.

His visit to Sardinia is a proof to me that he hopes by this temporary separation to succeed in recovering his old self. You never scruple to use the power which his love has placed in your hand. Your position of vantage may be read in a gesture, a look, a tone. Oh! darling, how truly are you the mad wanton your mother called you! You do not question, I fancy, that I am greatly Louis' superior.