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She hears the great hall-door open and close with a clang; she hears the step of the master in the hall a quick, assured tread she would know among a thousand; she hears a voice a hearty, pleasant, manly, English voice; a cheery laugh she remembers well. "The Chief of Lara has returned again." The quick, excitable blood leaps up from her heart to her face in a rosy rush that makes her lovely.

It was an exquisite starlight night; the roar of the bazaar, the clang of the trams, and the whistling of launches were in the distance; the compound itself was so still that the sudden thud of a fallen jack-fruit made quite a startling sound.

If I'm condemned, go back to Playmore; if I'm set free, go back to Playmore. That's the place for you to be. You've got your own troubles there." "And you if you're acquitted?" "If I'm acquitted, I'll take to the high seas till I'm cured." A moment later, without further words, Dyck was alone. He heard the door clang. He sat for some time on the edge of his bed, buried in dejection.

So, with the two boys in the lead, followed by Nell and Nan and Flossie and Freddie, the children entered the second-hand and souvenir store. A bell on the door rang with a loud clang as Billy opened it, and when the children stepped inside the shop an old man with a black, curly beard and long black hair that seemed as if it had never been combed, came out from a back room.

Again he could see the lamps of the guards around the bend; they were stationed directly inside their own lock. Inching forward, he peered into blackness. Each step made a muffled clang on the deck plates. He edged his boots along as quietly as possible, reaching along the wall with his hand until he felt the lip of a hatchway. The lights and voices seemed nearer now.

As soon as there was space enough, the merman's claws recklessly slid under, and he added what strength he could to Dalgard's. The door arose and fell back onto the pavement with a clang, exposing a dark pit. "Got 'em!" the words burst from the stranger. He had pressed the firing button of his weapon.

The knight of the good horse meantime returned without injury; but on his way he met another Englishman, and bore him down under his his horse, wounding him grievously, and trampling him altogether under foot. "And now might be heard the loud clang and cry of battle, and the clashing of lances.

On every quarter-hour, night and day, they jingle a tiresome chime of half a dozen notes all the clocks in town at once, all the clocks in Australasia at once, and all the very same notes; first, downward scale: mi, re, do, sol then upward scale: sol, si, re, do down again: mi, re, do, sol up again: sol, si, re, do then the clock say at midnight clang clang clang clang clang-clang clang clang clang clang and, by that time you're hello, what's all this excitement about? a runaway scared by the train; why, you think this train could scare anything.

Ben gave one glance, his left hand grasping the lever; Toomey made a flying leap for the bell-cord; Geordie scrambled in after; hiss went the steam-cocks; clang went the bell, and with an explosive cough that shook her big frame almost free of the rails the Mogul heaved slowly ahead.

The half-moon to the right of the gate, with its small cannon, received a quota of men who strayed carelessly all day within reach of the low rampart; a guard lounged in the great gate, ready at a moment's notice to clang it shut, and seemingly matter-of-course precautions were taken throughout, for these Indians were as uncertain as the flickering north lights crackling in a frosty sky.