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"Mamma and I talk while we are at work, but you are always very silent." "But you think sometimes?" asked Isabella. "Not about such things," replied Celia. "I have to think about my work." "But your father thinks, I suppose, when he comes home and sits in his study alone?" "Oh, he reads when he goes into his study, he reads books and studies them," said Celia.

Bernard in a storm, and " "Where the good dogs live?" inquired Betty, hoping they would come into the story. "Yes; we spent the night up there, and George gave us his room; the house was so full, and he wouldn't let me go down a steep place where I wanted to, and Celia thought he'd saved my life, and was very good to him.

He was going back to the bush; and he knew that, no matter how his life might change, the wilderness would always call to him. In spite of this, however, he was, as he had said, conscious of an unusual responsibility. Hitherto he had fought for what he could get, for himself; but now Kitty's future partly depended on his efforts, and his success would be of vast importance to Celia.

Celia was in ecstasy before her, enraptured at finding her so beautiful, more beautiful than any other, as she said. Then she spoke of the two dead ones, who also had seemed to her very beautiful, endowed with an extraordinary beauty, at once superb and sweet; and despite all her tears, she still remained in a transport of admiration.

THAT evening at dusk, as Benedetta had sent Pierre word that she desired to see him, he went down to her little salon, and there found her chatting with Celia. "I've seen your Pierina, you know," exclaimed the latter, just as the young priest came in. "And with Dario, too. Or rather, she must have been watching for him; he found her waiting in a path on the Pincio and smiled at her.

We will persuade her to tell." She glanced darkly at the girl. Celia shivered. "Yes, that's it," said Wethermill. "But don't harm her. She will tell of her own will. You will see. The delay won't hurt now. We can't come back and search for a little while." He was speaking in a quick, agitated voice. And Adele agreed. The desire to be gone had killed even their fury at the loss of their prize.

To careful reasoning of this kind he replies by calling himself Pegasus, and every form of prescribed work 'harness." Celia laughed. She was surprised to find that Mr. Casaubon could say something quite amusing. "Well, you know, he may turn out a Byron, a Chatterton, a Churchill that sort of thing there's no telling," said Mr. Brooke.

When the captain looked down at Celia again he found her eyes full of pity, but this time it was not pity for herself. He comprehended instantly. "No, I don't need it, dear," he said, very gently. "I've learned some things already in the hospital tent I wouldn't have missed for a year's pay.

Night came abruptly the swift Southern darkness quickly emblazoned with stars; and the whip-poor-wills began their ghostly calling; and the spectres of the mist crept stealthily inland. "Celia?" Her soft voice answered from the darkness near him. He said: "I knew this was her room before you told me. I have seen her several times." "Good God, Phil!" she faltered, "what are you saying?"

Now, though they had hardly spoken to each other all the evening, yet when Celia put by her work, intending to go to bed, a proceeding in which she was always much the earlier, Dorothea, who was seated on a low stool, unable to occupy herself except in meditation, said, with the musical intonation which in moments of deep but quiet feeling made her speech like a fine bit of recitative