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I learned to play on a slag-pile, and my shoes, when I had any, were full of holes the scars are on my feet yet. Everything was grim and gray there, and the children were puny, big-eyed little things. ... The mills were hideous by day, but at night they became oh, tremendous.

They edged forward to the middle of the road, the Provost in front, to meet Gilmour coming down. "Ye've a heavy burden this morning, John," said the Provost graciously. "No wonder, sir," said Gilmour, with big-eyed solemnity, and set down the chest; "it's no wonder, seeing that I'm carrying my a-all." "Ay, man, John. How's that na?"

There were nine brothers, a handful of resident orphans, and some threescore pupils. Ragged, stupid, big-eyed urchins they were, altogether different from the keen Paris boys. For that matter, every feature of my new home was odd. The heat of the summer was scorching in its intensity.

She took from her trunk a handkerchief and unwrapping it, produced the unset miniature. "He let me keep it," she said. "How mighty wonderful!" again exclaimed Tibbie, growing big-eyed. "Who " "Furthermore, and in continuation, as Mr. McClave always says after his ninthly," airily interrupted Janice, drawing from her bosom the portrait of herself. "Who 's that, Tibbie Drinker?"

"Flapjack!" repeated the apple woman with scorn, as the children nestled down, one each side of her. "Yo' nice chillen pertendin' not to know yo' friends!" "What friends? What?" asked Emilie eagerly. "The fairy Slap-back. P'raps I didn't see her jest now, a-grinnin' over yo' shoulder." "Is she anybody to be afraid of?" asked Emilie, big-eyed.

He heard again with thrilling clearness the baby's plaintive voice: "Mamma, mamma! Barba wants drink. Please bring drink, mamma. Barba's 'fraid!" Going a short way up the wash, he stood with uncovered head on the very spot where he had knelt with out-stretched hands before the big-eyed, brown-haired baby girl, who, crouching under the high bank, shrank back from him in fear.

"Pratt looked at me big-eyed last evening when I dressed for dinner. But he was only astonished and amused, I suppose. He didn't expect me to look like that after seeing me in this old riding dress. "Oh, dear!" sighed Frances of the ranges. "I wouldn't leave daddy, or do anything to displease him, poor dear! But I wish he could be content to live nearer to civilization. "We've got enough money.

For the best part of an hour, in pursuance of her husband's counsel, the Mistress sat and waited for the prodigal's return. Then, surreptitiously, she made a round of the house; sent a man to ransack the stables, telephoned to the gate lodge, and finally came into the Master's study, big-eyed and pale. "He isn't anywhere around," she reported, frightened. "It's dinner time. He's been gone in hour.

"His name," he replied to the tiny, dark, big-eyed boy who spoke for his whispering fellows, "his name was Bonaventure Bonaventure Deschamps."

The attachment of incoming tots to the older girls was a custom.... I do not recall her.... There was always a string of mites with shiny pigtails and big-eyed wistful faces. The older girls never thought very much about them. One has a swarm-memory, but individuals escape one. The older girl, in these schools, fancied herself immensely.