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"Oh, it was about the general," began the prince, waking abruptly from the fit of musing which he too had indulged in "and-and about the theft you told me of." "That is er about what theft?" "Oh come! just as if you didn't understand, Lukian Timofeyovitch! What are you up to? I can't make you out! The money, the money, sir! The four hundred roubles that you lost that day.

"And and most people like being loved, don't they?" "To crave for love is an almost universal instinct, Miss May." "Yes, almost," she said, with a dreary little smile. "You see, he'll get old, and-and have no one to look after him." "He will." "And no home." "Well, in a sense, none," corrected the philosopher, smiling. "But really you'll frighten me. I'm a bachelor myself, you know, Miss May."

"Of course you can hardly imagine yourself in that position, but suppose a man liked you and-and was placed like that, you know, what should you feel you ought to do?" "Oh, I don't know," exclaimed Dora, clasping her hands. "Oh, do tell me what you think! I'd give the world to know!" Charlie's surprised glance warned her of her betrayal. "You mustn't ask me." she exclaimed hastily.

"You have," pursues our hero, "a certain clue; and of that I may congratulate you." Madame says she will prepare at once to return to her home in New York, and-and here again the words hang upon her lips. She was going to say, her future proceedings would be governed by the paper she holds so nervously in her fingers. Snivel here receives a nostrum from the lady's purse.

"I was not about to do so," observed the philosopher. "She thinks life with him would be just heaven; and-and she thinks she would make him awfully happy. She would-would be so proud of him, you see." "I see. Yes?" "And I don't know how to put it, quite she thinks that if he ever thought about it at all he might care for her; because he doesn't care for anybody else, and she's pretty "

Impossible! "I fell asleep," said I, colouring and stammering, for the slightest deviation from truth was painful to me, "and-and when I awoke the manuscript was gone. Some one must have entered and committed the theft " "Some one entered the house at this hour of the night and then only stolen a manuscript which could be of no value to him! Absurd!

Kennedy's suspicion in one way, and my own in an opposite way, which I know now was wrong. And then Cadwalader Brown in the studio taunted me cynically and-and it cut me, for he seemed right. I hope that Mr. Travis will forgive me for thinking that Mr. Bennett's treachery was his " A terrific cheer broke out among the clerks in the outer office. A boy rushed in with a still unblotted report.

I'd rather go on where they're cutting marsh hay. I'd rather " "Well, now," Grandpa's words were slow, "what about it, kids? What about it, Grandma? Do we go back to the city and-and part company till times are better? Or go on into oysters together?" The tears stole down Jimmie's cheeks, but he didn't say anything. Daddy didn't say anything, either.

"At the university!" repeated he, with an embarrassed look; "why, as to that, Ma'am,-no, I can't say I did; but then, what with riding,-and -and-and so forth,-really, one has not much time, even at the university, for mere reading." "But, to be sure, Sir, you have read the classics?" "O dear, yes, Ma'am!-very often,-but not very-not very lately."

If not, say so, and-and welcome! No one is trying to force you into the snare, Gavrila Ardalionovitch, if you see a snare in the matter, at least." "I do desire it," murmured Gania, softly but firmly, lowering his eyes; and he relapsed into gloomy silence. The general was satisfied. He had excited himself, and was evidently now regretting that he had gone so far.