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Poopy, whose wits were sharpened by love, at once took advantage of her opportunity. She crept on all fours towards the rock on which Alice lay, in such a manner that it came between her person and the savage. "Missy Alice! O, Missy Alice! quick! look up! it's me Poopy," said the girl, raising her head cautiously above the edge of the rock.

"They must be in a desperate strait, or they would not stand in for this coast," remarked the Colonel. "Unless they can manage to reach Lyme they will to a certainty be lost." "They are not steering for Lyme," said Alice, "but are coming on directly for our bay." "Can they be the craft reported to have been fallen in with by the Lyme vessel?" observed the Colonel.

"Mademoiselle Mignon," he said, "would be very pleased and proud to receive Miss Flower, if she would take the trouble to come behind the scenes." So Alice, trembling with excitement, went with Papa behind the big green curtain. She had fancied it a sort of fairy world; but instead she found a great bare, disorderly place.

The goodbye seemed more like a farewell in Uncle Ike's case, for he had aged much in the last year and was really very feeble. Alice told him that Mr. Gay had promised to call upon him in a few days. When they reached Boston, Quincy said: "Maude, you must take the train at once for Redford and see what the trouble is. I will leave Alice at home and run down to see you this afternoon."

She and Alice had lived near salt water all their lives, and had been taught to row by experts. It was too absurd to think of these two country girls rowing against them! As for entering a racing contest with boys from the camp surely they were joking! But if they meant it seriously, she and Alice were ready for them.

It was Charmian's, reduced to a sort of intense whisper. It said: "Alice! Alice! I specially told you not to make a sound in the house. Your master is at work. The least noise disturbs him. Pray be quiet. If you must speak, go downstairs." There was silence, then the sound of rustling, of a door shutting, then again silence. Claude came away from the fire. "Your master is at work."

A look of love, a word of kindness, goes further towards winning the heart than years of service, or benefactions mountain high, without them." "Does she say I am unkind to her?" asked Miss Fortune, fiercely. "Pardon me," said Alice, "words on her part are unnecessary; it is easy to see from your own that there is no love lost between you, and I am very sorry it is so."

"I shall do nothing of the sort!" said the mouse, getting up and walking away from the party, "you insult me by talking such nonsense!" "I didn't mean it!" pleaded poor Alice, "but you're so easily offended, you know." The mouse only growled in reply. "Please come back and finish your story!"

Boscobel made much of them, and insisted on Adela's coming to dine with her. An evening was appointed. Adela felt reproofs of conscience, remembering the excuse she had offered to Alice, but in this case it was impossible to decline. Stella assured her that the party would be small, and would be sure to comprise none but really interesting people. It was so, in fact.

She paused expectantly, but there was no comment. "You don't seem interested," she frowned, after a minute. Alice laughed. "Pardon me, but I don't know the Lady, you see. Was it a good letter?" "You know her brother." "Very true." Alice's cheeks showed a deeper color. "Did she say anything of him?" "Yes. She said he was coming back to Boston next winter." "Indeed!" "Yes.