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"The usual explanation," he commented lightly. "A most unusual explanation, sir," she countered deftly, "for Mr. Wheatman has been explaining how it came to pass that he kissed a ghost." "I never said any such thing," cried I, vexed to the bone. "It wasna necessary," she said airily. "Was it the ghost of a lady?" asked the Duke, who had been greatly amused by the dialogue.

In the midst of the narrative, Artful Dick sauntered up to the group, coming, it seemed, from nowhere. The gossiper abruptly stopped his tale. "They say it's going to rain before morning," said Dick airily. "You guys will get rust on your joints if you stay out in it. Ta-ta! I'm looking for my brother. Seen him?" He strolled on, as if he owned the earth.

I never can think of anything else. Besides, they're always good, anyhow. But I should think <i>you</i>, a <i>woman</i>, could think of something " "Never mind," interrupted Ella airily. "Mother's a dear, and she won't care if she does get two pairs." "But she won't want three pairs," groaned Frank; "and I got slippers too!" There was a moment of dismayed silence, then everybody laughed.

I looked him over critically. "Are you the gentleman with the alliterative cognomen?" I asked him airily, hoping he would be puzzled. He was not, evidently. "Perry Potter? He's at the ranch." He was damnably tolerant, and I said nothing. I hate to make the same sort of fool of myself twice. So when he proposed that we "hit the trail," I followed meekly in his wake.

Without doubt John Herbert Bedford Lawson was in a most ill-conditioned mood, for instead of being moved by the palpable distress of the attractive suppliant, he turned his back ungraciously, thrust his hands viciously under his ample coat-tails, elevated his chin aggressively, and said airily, as he kept up a warlike tattoo on the carpet with one of his heels: "John Lawson, thou art reet; it's not the thow't o' thee going away that's causing her any trouble thou canst go to the uttermost parts o' the earth for all she cares, lad."

A big bulky man, with a long red face, a bald head, a defiant somewhat sinister eye, a high nose, and a little torrent of foam-white curly beard, he was still magnificent in costume. Rustling in satin and feathers, with jewels in his ears, and his velvet toque stuck as airily as ever upon the side of his head, he amazed the honest Hollanders, who had been used to less gorgeous chieftains.

"What is it?" inquired Marcos practically. "What is the matter with her?" "She has just been told that we are married," explained Juanita, airily. "And I think you shocked her by mentioning my clothes. You shouldn't do it, Marcos." And she went and stood by Cousin Peligros with her hand upon her shoulder as if to protect her. She shook her head gravely at Marcos.

She stayed for a few minutes longer, continuing her irresponsible chatter and then, to my relief, anyhow, took herself off, announcing airily that she was going to see if there was any fun stirring. "Do not be reckless, Marie," Anne called after her. "You do no good by that, and may do much harm." "Have no fear for me, little nun," she retorted gaily, over her shoulder.

"'Percy, I will at-a-reasonable-price sell this to you, he said. "'How much? I inquired, responding to his playfulness. "'A bargain, he cried gaily. 'Five millions dollars. No! Shall I upon-a- needy-friend hard-press? Never. One million. One little million dollars. "'I haven't that amount with me, I began. "'Of no account, he declared airily. 'Soon we shall haf many more times as that.

Look at the eccentric kinks and curvings of it its abrupt depression at the base, and its rounded bulging at the shoulders; but don't laugh with the smart young man who airily observes how full-chested the old man would be if his head were only turned around, and don't kill the young man, either, until you take him out some place and tell him that the old man got himself warped up in that shape along about the time when everybody had to hump himself.