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A little taper for cigarettes happened to be in front of me; I held my glass in its light and lost myself in the wine's pure depths of mystery and colour; and my mind wandered to the lusty sunshine of "Lusitanian summers" that was there imprisoned. I inhaled its fragrance, I accepted its exquisite and spacious generosity.

"Proving that the joys of both are transitory, perhaps," said Ellerey, who sat beside him. He spoke only to Grigosie, but Stefan heard him. "Love, Captain a snap of the fingers for love; but wine's the very heart of life. There's wisdom and truth in wine, there's valor in it, and it's powerful enough to make even good sound men fall in love.

I... I prefer sherry." She lifted the sherry bottle tentatively for his consent. "Sure," he answered, with a nod. "Whisky's a man's drink. I never like to see women at it. Wine's more their stuff." She raised her glass to his, her eyes meltingly sympathetic. "Here's to finding you a good position " But she broke off at sight of the expression of surprised disgust on his face.

"Now you fellows don't want to forget that the night-life of Paris is not a typical thing at all; that's a show got up for foreigners.... The French peasant, he's a thrifty fellow.... This red wine's all right if you don't abuse it; take it two-thirds water and it keeps off dysentery.... You don't have to be rough with them, simply firm.

But Argile laughed at the thing, no way alarmed, and then with a grave demeanour he said, said he, 'The wine's in your head, sir; and even if it was an omen, what then? The axe in troublous times is no disgrace, and a chief of Clan Diarmaid would be a poor chief indeed if he failed to surrender his head with some show of dignity."

All the waning afternoon Malcolm sat by his side, and neither mother, maid nor doctor came near them. "Dark wa's an' no a breath!" he murmured or seemed to murmur again. "Nae gerse nor flooers nor bees! I hae na room for my hump, an' I canna lie upo' 't, for that wad kill me. Wull I ever ken whaur I cam frae? The wine's unco guid. Gie me a drap mair, gien ye please, Lady Horn.

When the latter swore his great gods, that henceforth he would be Harry's truest, humblest friend and follower, and at any moment would be ready to die for Mr. Warrington, Harry said, majestically, "I think, Sampson, you would; I hope you would. My family the Esmond family has always been accustomed to have faithful friends round about 'em and to reward 'em too. The wine's with you, Chaplain.

Better love's perfume in the empty bowl Than wine's nepenthe for the aching soul Sweeter than song that ever poet sung, It makes an old heart young! After the reading of the paper which was reported in the preceding number of this record, the company fell into talk upon the subject with which it dealt. The Mistress.

Hor. De Arte Poet. The Muse to nobler subjects tunes her lyre; Gods, and the sons of Gods, her song inspire; Wrestler and steed, who gained the Olympic prize, Love's pleasing cares, and wine's unbounded joys. Francis. Misenum Aeoliden, quo non praestantior alter Aere ciere viros, Martemque accendere cnatu. Virgil, Aeneid, vi. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wine's good for old folks like Sophy and me, after walking a good way, or preaching a good while." The young girl stepped into the back-parlor, where she found the great pewter flagon in which the wine that was left after each communion-service was brought to the minister's house. With much toil she managed to tip it so as to get a couple of glasses filled.