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Updated: August 13, 2024

Even Bloomfield's taking his part he's gammoned him somehow." "Well, that doesn't prevent your going and hooting him, does it?" said Gilks, with a sneer. "You've a right to enjoy yourself as well as any one else." "What! have you come round to worship his holiness too?" asked Wibberly, who had at least expected some sympathy from Gilks.

Gilks said nothing, but walked on evidently out of humour, and Wibberly having nothing better to do accompanied him. "By the way," said the latter, presently, seeing his companion was not disposed to continue the former conversation, "what's up between you and Silk? Is it true you've had a row?" Gilks growled out something which sounded very like an oath, and replied, "Yes."

And ere they reached it Telson was there, and many a schoolhouse Limpet, and Game, and Ashley, and Wibberly, from Parrett's; and Tucker, and I know not what crowds from Welch's. And they crowded round, and took sides, and speculated on the result, and cheered impartially every hit. Far be it from me to describe that fight.

"Hear, hear," said one or two of Parrett's house; "what could be better than that?" "Well," said Porter, "I don't see much difference between saying that and telling the doctor he doesn't know what he's about." "Of course you say so that's your schoolhouse prejudice," replied Wibberly. "It's nothing of the sort," said Fairbairn, warmly; "you know that as well as I do, Wibberly."

But he stopped himself, and turned like a hunted deer on the questioner. A dead silence fell on the assembly, as Wibberly coolly said, "I will repeat the questions. Has Mr Riddell found out who cut the rudder- lines? or does he suspect any one? and, if so, who is it?" Every eye turned on Riddell.

I wouldn't break my heart if I were you." "I don't mean to," said Gilks, but in a tone which belied the words, and even struck Wibberly by its wretchedness. "I say," said he, "you're awfully down in the mouth these times. What's wrong?" "What makes you think anything's wrong? I'm all right, I tell you," said Gilks, half angrily.

Wibberly was half inclined to say that he would not have thought it if he had not been told so, but judging from his companion's looks that this little pleasantry would not be appreciated, he forbore and walked on in silence. It was a relief when Wibberly at length discovered that it was time for him to be going back. Gilks wanted nobody's company, and was glad to be left alone.

"I tell you we'd have beaten them hollow," shouted Wibberly to the company in general. "No you wouldn't!" retorted Wyndham; "we were ahead and our men were as fresh as yours, every bit!" "Ya boo cheats! Told you there'd be no fair play with such a pack," shouted the Welchers. "Look here, who are you calling a cheat?" said Wyndham, very red in the face, edging up to the speaker.

Whatever may have been the case with the school, Templeton seems quite unable to perform under the eyes of the great "M.C.C." man, and wicket after wicket falls in rapid succession, until with the miserable total of fifty-one they finally retire for this innings. "A follow-on," says Game, who from near the tent is patronisingly looking on, in company with Ashley, Tipper, and Wibberly.

Several schoolhouse fellows protested against the proceedings being interrupted in this way, and even Bloomfield exclaimed across the table, "For goodness' sake, Wibberly, don't bring up that wretched subject again." But those who had watched Riddell had seen him turn suddenly pale at the question, and for a moment make as though he would rush from the room.

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