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Updated: August 13, 2024

"It is merely this," said Wibberly, rapidly, and giving no time for any objection to be raised on the point of order. "I wish to ask Mr Riddell whether he has found out yet who cut the rudder-line of Parrett's boat at the boat-race, or whether he suspects anybody, and, if so, whom?" At this unlooked-for question a hubbub immediately arose.

"You're joking surely," said he; "you usen't to mind the extra feeds now and then." "If I shirked my duty once it's no reason I should do it for ever. Go back, do you hear? at once." "What, won't you let us go this time?" said Wibberly, quite bewildered by this unexpected sternness on the part of his old patron. "Do you hear what I say?" thundered Bloomfield.

"If you choose to work for the school after what has happened, all I can say is you deserve to be backed up, and I'll back you up for one." "So will I," said Wibberly. Bloomfield could not resist flattery.

Mr Ashley replied that he was not in a position to inform the hon. member, but probably in about six weeks. Mr Wyndham, jun. Whereupon Mr Wibberly begged to ask the schoolhouse stroke whether he had any information to give the House on the subject. Mr Fairbairn. Mr Tipper.

Foremost among these was Tucker of Welch's house and Wibberly of Parrett's, who, as the crowd behind pressed forward, were carried with their abusive taunts on their lips into the midst of the schoolhouse group. The latter, as may be imagined, were in anything but the humour for an assault of this sort, and their leaders instantly resented it in a very practical manner.

"I suppose they ought to do them in one innings now?" "Ought to try," says Tipper. "Some of these kids play fairly well." "They get well coached, that's what it is. What with Bloomfield, and Fairbairn, and Mr Parrett, they've been drilled, and no mistake." "Let's see," says Wibberly, "there are five Parretts in the eleven, aren't there." Ashley laughs.

Whether Wibberly was himself the writer of the mysterious letter, or whether some one had prompted him to ask the question, or whether his asking it just at this time was a mere coincidence, he did not trouble to decide. He felt rather grateful to him than otherwise for having asked it, just as one is occasionally grateful to the thunder-clap for clearing the air.

Game was First Lord of the Admiralty, Wibberly, War Secretary, Ashley, Home Secretary, and Strutter, a comparatively obscure boy, Premier.

He was one of the small party who yesterday had come in for such a smart snubbing from Bloomfield, and the only way to show his sense of the ingratitude of such treatment, especially towards an old toady like himself, was to profess no interest in an event which was notoriously interesting the Parretts' captain. So Wibberly strolled down that afternoon to the river, and naturally met Gilks.

It was not a very uncommon offence, or perhaps a very terrible one, but it was an offence which monitors were bound to report. "Where are you off to?" demanded Bloomfield, encountering these two deserters. "Oh, it's all right," said Wibberly, "we've been called over. We're only going to Stutter's study." "Go back at once," said Bloomfield, "and go to the captain after six." Wibberly laughed.

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