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Jacob Weatherby is going to set his out to-night, and I think I'll do the same. There's a fine moon, and I shouldn't wonder if every farmer in the county was in the fields till daybreak." He ate his supper hurriedly, and then, taking down his hat, went out to resume his work.

Colonel Weatherby came to me last evening and said he had been suddenly called away on important matters that would brook no delay, and that your mother was to accompany him on the journey. He begged me to take you in as a regular boarder and of course I consented. You have been one of my most tractable and conscientious pupils and I have been proud of your progress.

Silence fell again, till Weatherby, shaking the spray from his rough tweed coat, got up a little stiffly. "I begin to understand a little better now," he said slowly with an eloquent glance. The car was waiting for them by the little lock and here at the block house the visitors displayed marked animation, Clark told them the story very simply as they rolled off up the hill for lunch.

"Jim Weatherby brought it over from the crossroads," he said. "It got there last night." "I hope there's nobody dead, child," observed Miss Saidie, from the serving-table, where she was peeling tomatoes. "More likely it points to a marriage, eh, daughter?" chuckled Fletcher jocosely. The girl folded the paper and replaced it carefully in the envelope.

"If this little man," she mused, glancing at his blank, inexpressive features, "happens to be a detective, and knows who I am, he may think I will lead him directly to Colonel Weatherby, whom he may then arrest. Gran'pa Jim is innocent, of course, but I know he doesn't wish to be arrested, because he left Beverly suddenly to avoid it.

"We will merely go over the old complaints, the endless explanations. She will probably weep like a child, and I shall feel a brute when I look on and keep silent. In the first place, if I speak to her, what is there for me to say? If I simply beg her to stop crying, or if I rush in and urge her to marry Jim Weatherby to-morrow, what good can come of either course?

"No, thank you some other time, if I may. I've had a charming afternoon." He smiled pleasantly, and was off down the hill. When she remembered that it was a Winfield who had married Abigail Weatherby, she dismissed the matter as mere coincidence, and determined, at all costs, to shield Miss Ainslie. The vision of that gracious lady came to her, bringing with it a certain uplift of soul.

I would like to assure you," he concluded with evident respect, "that we have never experienced more difficulty in making a suggestion. The case is extraordinary we realize that." "What Weatherby has in his head," added Ardswell, "is that you have done what neither of us could ever have done, and he thinks it a waste of valuable material to try and make an executive out "

"It means," he replied, "that the government spies are again seeking Colonel Weatherby. The word 'caution' means that we must all take care not to let any information escape us that might lead to his arrest. Don't talk to strangers, Mary Louise; don't talk to anyone outside our family of your grandfather's affairs, or even of your own affairs.

Mott, the gaunt old cynic, surprised every one, including himself, by adopting the infant! He announced his decision on the day after the funeral. "That baby's got to have a father and a grandfather and a mother, and all that," he declared to Captain Trigger, "and I'm going to be all of them, Weatherby.