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Butler did not bother himself about his absence at the first meal, but at the second he asked the Chinese cook: "Where's the mate? He no come tea?" "No wantchee," said the Chink. "He ain't sick?" "No savvy." Next day Bananas turned up again, but he was more sullen than ever, and after dinner the captain asked the girl what was the matter with him. She smiled and shrugged her pretty shoulders.

The captain's Chinese boy glided up unobserved and stood at attention. "Captain say missy please come top-side right away. Wantchee see Bird Island." Percival, still holding her hand, smilingly shook his head. "Damn Bird Island!" he murmured softly. Of all the places in the world where a flirtation can germinate, blossom, and bear fruit overnight, an ocean-liner is the most propitious.

After I had had a bit of a discussion with my boy as to the room they wanted to house me in, a woman, brandishing a huge cabbage stump above her head, and looking menacingly at me, yelled that the room was good enough. "What does she say, T'ong?" "Oh, she b'long all same fool. She wantchee makee talkee talk. She have got velly long tongue, makee bad woman.

"I no 'fraid," he declared. "P'laps master no savee. Sui-fu b'long velly big place, have got plenty European. You wantchee makee go fast, catchee plenty good 'chow. I think you catchee one piecee boat, makee go up the river. P'laps I think you have got velly tired no wantchee makee more walkee that no b'long ploper. That b'long all same fool pidgin." And at last I melted.

A light was flashed swiftly into my eyes, and desultory remarks which suddenly escaped me were rudely interrupted by shrill screams. My boy was singing. "Master," he cried, pulling hard-heartedly at my left big toe to wake me, "come on, come on; you wantchee makee get up. Have got two o'clock. Get up; p'laps me no wakee you, no makee sleep no b'long ploper.

He drew a deep breath of relief and leaned forward: "Tsang," he said, and his voice trembled with the earnestness of his resolve, "I no break bargain. From now on my behave all same proper. It wasn't right, old fellow, you oughtn't " then he gave it up and smiled helplessly, "you belong my good friend Tsang, what thing you wantchee?"

And in upon these dreary musings broke an altercation between Mrs. Sin and her husband. "Keep the blasted thing covered up!" she cried hoarsely. "Tling-a-Ling wantchee catchee bleathee sometime," crooned Sin Sin Wa. "Hello, hello!" croaked the raven drowsily. "Smartest smartest smartest leg." "You catchee sleepee, Tling-a-Ling," murmured the Chinaman. "Mrs. Sin no likee you palaber, lo!"

"God bless the man, you no savee! I wantchee good chow. Why in the name of goodness can't you give us something decent! What on earth did you come for?" "Alas!" he shouted, for we were at a rapid, "my savee makee good chow. No have got nothing!" "No have got nothing! No have got nothing!" Mysterious words, what could they mean? Where, then, was our picul of rice, and our curry, and our sugar?

A West-end cut is not achieved, but for flannels, light tweeds and all such clothes as are worn in the tropics, they are very passable. "Boy." "Sai." "Talkee that tailor-man four o'clock come. Wantchee new clothes." At four o'clock the tailor is there with a bundle of patterns from which you select a thin serge and a white flannel, and order a suit of each.

"Mi one piecee can do," replied the other, with a broader smile that made him look quite venerable, the deceitful old wretch! "No goodee number one chop!" "Oh, you can speak it well enough," replied Ned, as our friend said this in "Pijin English," implying that although he could manage a little of our language he was not a first-rater at it. "What wantchee can do, my one two?"