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He made a great effort, and closed his eyes, and repeated the holy name of Jesus over and over again; but the struggle was still fierce when Wade's voice, harsh and dry, broke in and scattered the confusion of mind that bewildered him. "Take the prisoner to a cell; he is not to go back to the Clink." Anthony felt a hand on his arm, and the gaoler was looking at him with compassion.

It had been for her sake as well as his own that the veiled star, Irma Gluyas, had laughingly searched the map of New York and vicinity to find places of safe meeting. To avoid Robert Wade's spies, to preserve Irma's incognito, they had exhausted the "lions" of every Long Island, Staten Island, and New Jersey village. They had canvassed every place of resort within fifty miles of New York City.

Folsom's eyeballs became living fire with the desperate gleam of the reckless chances of life. Cutthroat he might have been, but he was brave, and he proved the significance of Wade's attitude. "Pards, hyar's to luck!" he rang out, hoarsely, and with pantherish quickness he leaped for his gun.

"I follow Miss Wade's lead," I answered, in my most solemn tone, with an impressive bow. "I, too, am travelling for instruction and amusement only; and if it would give Lady Meadowcroft a greater sense of security to have a duly qualified practitioner in her suite, I shall be glad on the same terms to swell your party.

"Wils," she interrupted, wildly, as she began to shake. "Just a little bit ago I saw Jack riding down the trail!" "Collie!... Those two shots came from Wade's guns I'd know it among a thousand!... Are you sure you heard a shot before?" "Oh, something dreadful has happened! Yes, I'm sure. Perfectly sure. A shot not so loud or heavy." "My God!" exclaimed Moore, staring aghast at Columbine.

She bent to him to see his eyes. And for Wade, when she peered with straining heart and soul, all at once to become transfigured, that instant was a sweet and all-fulfilling reward for his years of pain. "You drive me mad!" she whispered. The heavy tread of the rancher, like the last of successive steps of fate in Wade's tragic expectancy, sounded on the porch.

I shall work hard myself, and every man of you will, or he leaves the shop. Now, if anybody has a complaint to make, I'll hear him before you all." The men were evidently impressed with Wade's Inaugural. It meant something. But they were not to be put down so easily, after long misrule. There began to be a whisper, "B'il in, Bill Tarbox! and talk up to him!"

It brought the warm blood back to Wade's cold heart. It was his great reward. How intensely and implacably did his soul mount to that crisis! "Collie, I'll never fail you," he said, and his gentle voice was deep and full. "If Jack can be scared into haltin' in his mad ride to hell then I'll do it. I'm not promisin' so much for him.

Pendleton, after a moment's thought, said: "Have you made an engagement for lunch?" We had not. He turned to the telephone, and called for a number. "Is this Mr. Wade's office?... Yes, if you please.... Is this Mr. Wade?... This is Pendleton talking to you.... Yes, Pendleton.... There are some gentlemen in my office, Mr.

I felt sorry for Tom, for when he was with me he could see her, and when he was with her I pouted at him, even over Judge Wade's arm. I verily believe it was from being really jealous that he asked little Pet Buford to dance with him by mistake as it were. And how I did enjoy it all, every single minute of it! My heart beat time to the music as if it would never tire of doing so.