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Yesterday, a journeyman peg-maker vith a fine lot o' pegs as I didn't vant to sell to-day a groom looking for a job as I don't need. Been a-keeping my ogles on Number Vun and Number Two, and things is beginning to look werry rosy, sir, yes, things is werry promising indeed." "How do you mean?" "Vell, to begin vith," said Mr.

'That's wot he says, miss, replied Sam coolly. 'He's a man of his word, and it's my opinion he'll do it, miss. He's heerd all about you from the sawbones in barnacles. 'From my brother! said Arabella, having some faint recognition of Sam's description. 'I don't rightly know which is your brother, miss, replied Sam. 'Is it the dirtiest vun o' the two? 'Yes, yes, Mr.

Fontenette was saying, when Senda interrupted: "Ah! vhat vife is sat? In vhat part of se vorldt does she lif, and how long she is marriedt? No-o, no! Sare is only vun kindt of vife in se whole vorldt vhat realize her ideal hussbandt; and sat is se vife vhat idealize her real hussbandt.

It shall take bot two or tree days to do my duty. I shall not be long." "A day or two of sober duty, Then, Hoch! for London, home, and beauty!" trolled the Count pleasantly. The Baron did not echo the "Hoch"; but after retaining his thoughtful expression for a few moments, a smile stole over his face, and he remarked in an absent voice "Vun does not alvays need to go home to find beauty."

Shrig, round and placid of eye, "ven I says a thing I means it. Consequent you are now a-going to sluice your ivory vith a glass of the Vun an' Only, at my expense, you must and you shall." "Yes," said Barnabas, feeling in his pockets. "I must, my purse is gone." "Purse!" exclaimed Mr. Shrig, his innocent eyes rounder than ever, "gone, sir?" "Stolen," nodded Barnabas.

There ain't a man in London as can brew a glass o' rum-punch like the Corp, though 'e 'as only got vun 'and. And now, Corporal Dick, afore ve begin, three steamers." "Ay, for sure, Jarsper!" said the Corporal; and opening a small corner cupboard he took thence three new pipes and a paper of tobacco. "Will you smoke, sir?" he inquired diffidently of Barnabas.

'The names is not only down on the vay-bill, Sir, replied Sam, 'but they've painted vun on 'em up, on the door o' the coach. As Sam spoke, he pointed to that part of the coach door on which the proprietor's name usually appears; and there, sure enough, in gilt letters of a goodly size, was the magic name of PICKWICK! 'Dear me, exclaimed Mr.

He regarded us, one after the other, with his baby stare. Then he said to the big man, "Vat if your frients ship by her?" "I have no friends," was the curt answer. The Swede leaned back on his stool, and his big belly quivered with his wheezy laughter. "By Yimminy, Ay tank da Golden Bough haf vun lively voyage!" he exclaimed. We signed articles in the Swede's house, almost within the hour.

Winkle scrambled back over the wall, and Arabella ran into the house; the garden gate was shut, and the three adventurers were making the best of their way down the lane, when they were startled by the scientific gentleman unlocking his garden gate. 'Hold hard, whispered Sam, who was, of course, the first of the party. 'Show a light for just vun second, Sir. Mr.

'No! sez 'e, and 'ere's me vith vun eye a-going into mourning, and 'im vith a lump on 'is nob like a noo-laid egg!" "'E's game though, Jarsper," said the benevolent giant. "Game! I believe you, Corp!" nodded Mr. Shrig. "Run! I sez. 'No! sez 'e. 'Then v'ot vill you do? sez I. 'Make them! sez 'e. Game? Lord love me, I should say so!" Here, seeing Barnabas sit upright, Mr.