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"You'se not de fuss pusson from de Norf, massa, dat's been 'stounded by what de niggers say in de Souf here. I 'member wunst old Massar hab a fren cum here from somewhar, State of York, I tink 'twas, an' he taut a great sight ob him, and took him roun' de city in de big carriage, and made big dinners for him, and 'vited all his notorious 'quaintances to meet him at his house, and all dat.

Perry sat down dully and looked disapprovingly at all the neckties. Baily leisurely opened the door of a wardrobe and brought out six handsome bottles. "Take off that darn fur coat!" said Martin Macy to Perry. "Or maybe you'd like to have us open all the windows." "Give me champagne," said Perry. "Going to the Townsends' circus ball to-night?" "Am not!" "'Vited?" "Uh-huh." "Why not go?"

"I knows him well 'nough to wish yo' hadn't 'vited him to do his floppin' in yo' tack-room!" "Ah-hah!" said Old Man Curry reflectively. "Mose, I reckon you never heard what Job said?" Jockey Moseby Jones heaved a deep sigh. "Heah it comes again!" he murmured. "No, boss; he said such a many things I kain't seem to keep track of 'em all. Whut he say now?"

I think I'm a plum fool not ter have wrang the neck er that ol' dominick rooster yestiddy when he spent the whole day a crowin' fer comp'ny. I pretty nigh knowed we were in fer some kind er visitation." "Maybe he was crowing for our house party," suggested Nan. "No, honey, that there rooster don't never crow for 'vited comp'ny.

De cunjuh man 'vited Dan ter come in, en pass' de time er day wid 'im. Ez soon ez Dan 'mence' talkin', he heared a cat miauin' en scratchin' en gwine on at a tarrable rate. "'Wat's all dat fuss 'bout? ax' Dan. "'Oh, dat ain' nuffin but my ole gray tomcat, sez de cunjuh man. 'I has ter shet 'im up sometimes fer ter keep 'im in nights, en co'se he doan lack it.

He told me." "Did he, hon?" "Yes, he did. He 'vited me over, Be'trice. He's my friend, and I've got to buy my big, high pony. I'll let you shake hands wis him, Be'trice. I'll interduce him to you. And I'll let you ride on his back, Be'trice. Do you want to ride on his back?" "Yes, honey."

They're pretty old to do much hard work, Ozma; so I'll have to work for them, unless " Ozma had been thoughtful during the story, but now she smiled and pressed her little friend's hand. "Unless what, dear?" she asked. Dorothy hesitated, because her request meant so much to them all. "Well," said she, "I'd like to live here in the Land of Oz, where you've often 'vited me to live.

"Or maybe you'd like to have us open all the windows." "Give me champagne," said Perry. "Going to the Townsends' circus ball to-night?" "Am not!" "'Vited?" "Uh-huh." "Why not go?" "Oh, I'm sick of parties," exclaimed Perry, "I'm sick of 'em. I've been to so many that I'm sick of 'em." "Maybe you're going to the Howard Tates' party?" "No, I tell you; I'm sick of 'em."

Every leisure moment was carefully applied to self-improve- ment, and a devout and Christian exterior in- vited confidence from the villagers. Thus she passed months of quiet, growing in the confi- dence of her neighbors and new found friends. Nothing new under the sun.

I doan see w'at 'casion any common fiel'-han' has got ter mix in wid de 'fairs er folks w'at libs in de big house. But ef it'll do you any good ter know, I mought say dat me en Jeff is gittin' 'long mighty well, en we gwine ter git married in de spring, en you ain' gwine ter be 'vited ter de weddin' nuther.