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Updated: August 13, 2024

Mishter Newland, you vash a gentleman, you vill pay me my monish. You vill pay me part of my monish. I have de agreement in my pocket, all ready to give up." "If I have not the money, how can I pay you?" "Fader Abraham, if you have not de monish you must have some monish; den you will pay me a part. How much vill you pay me?" "Will you take five hundred pounds, and return the agreement?"

Vanslyperken arrived at the Jew's abode, knocked softly, but received no answer: he knocked again, louder; a bustle and confusion was heard inside, and at last the door, with the chain fixed, was opened a couple of inches, and the Jew stammered out, "Wot vash there at this late hour of the night?" "It is me, the lieutenant of the cutter," replied Vanslyperken. "I must speak with you directly."

The six doomed men followed, walking between double ranks of Rebel guards. All came inside the hollow square and halted. Wirz then said: "Brizners, I return to you dose men so Boot as I got dem. You haf tried dem yourselves, and found dem guilty I haf had notting to do wit it. I vash my hands of eferyting connected wit dem. Do wit dem as you like, and may Gott haf mercy on you and on dem.

Vochan, Vocham or Vakhan, on the river Vash. Forst. This observation was made on the mountains of Savoy and Switzerland, not many years ago, by M. de Luc, and published as a new discovery.

Gif me a little vork. "I am dirty: Brita iss not dere to haf me clean. I vash as I can, in vater anyvere, but I sleep on de ground. I eat not often. I am vild truly, I know, and soon peoples are afraid. Den, my lady, I haf no more faith. I say, 'God, you haf forgotten me: you haf forgotten vat you promise.

"I vash keep him ven he vash shtarving; and now, ven he got money, he von't shettle. He's a shvindler and a tief, s'help me; and I shvear I'll have the law on him!" "Why don't you pay this man if you owe him anything?" said the lieutenant, sharply, to "Downy." "You've received your advance money from the paymaster, have you not?"

He ordered the word to be passed to the boat's crew, and when it was manned he went on shore. As soon as he arrived at the house of Lazarus, he knocked, but it was some time before he was admitted; and the chain was still kept on the door, which was opened two inches to allow a scrutiny previous to entrance. "Ah! it vash you, vash it, good sar? you may come in," said the Jew.

"What a figure!" exclaimed Alice, on recovering from the first shock. "It vill vash," said Poopy, in a deprecatory tone. "I hope it will," replied Alice, shaking her head doubtfully; for her experience in the laundry had not yet been so extensive as to enable her to pronounce at once on the eradicability of such a frightfully deep impression.

"Mishter Newland ah, Mishter Newland, cannot you give me my monish cannot you give me de tousand pound, without de interest? you are very welcome to de interest. I only lend it to oblige you." "How can you expect a damned rascal to do any such thing?" replied I. "Damned rascal! Ah! it vash I who vash a rascal, and vash a fool to say the word.

You can pick out dat rich quartz and pack it down to the crick and vash out the pure quill golt; but dat ore of Old Bunk's is all mixed oop with lead and zinc, and with antimonia too. You vil haf to buy the sacks, and pay the freight, and the smelter charges, too; and dese custom smelters they penalize you for everyt'ing, and cheat you out of what's left.

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