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You may as well define what things. I mean to know." "There was the pupil's youth, the pupil's manhood; his avarice, his ingratitude, his implacability, his inconstancy. Such a bad pupil, Monsieur! so thankless, cold-hearted, unchivalrous, unforgiving! "Et puis?" said he, taking a cigar.

Where the ladies are concerned, I modestly admit that I have the advantage of you; but they can't vote, God bless them!" "You're welcome to all the good they may bring you, old boy," was Nicholas's unchivalrous retort. "Oh, you're jealous, Nick!" twitted Tom gaily. "They don't take kindly to your carrot locks. Now, I've inherited a way with them, eh, dad?"

"He jollies me occasionally, just to show there's no hard feeling; then he jollies the governor; and when I saw our mother footing it on his arm this afternoon I almost fell in a faint. I wish you'd hold on to him tight till we're docked. My little friend from California is crazy about him and I haven't dared tell her he's only a drummer; such a fling would be unchivalrous of me "

He has many gloomy remarks upon our prospects, but it is in facing gloomy prospects with a high heart that a nation proves that it is not yet degenerate. Better pay all the price which he predicts than shrink for one instant from our task. Mr. Methuen makes a good deal of the foolish and unchivalrous, even brutal, way in which some individuals and some newspapers have spoken of the enemy.

He was still frowning as though the greatest injury had been inflicted upon him, and his sister's tearful eyes led him to exclaim wrathfully, as if he wished to palliate his unchivalrous indignation to a lady: "I am deprived of one pleasure after another, and the little enjoyment remaining is lessened wherever it can be.

No sooner had this unchivalrous fellow obtained possession of the fort and of this Historic Woman, than, overcome with a false shame that he had made terms with a woman, he violated his noble word, and condemned to death all the men, except one, who was spared on condition that he should be the executioner of the others.

There is a minuteness and earnestness of preparation which are only possible for an assured event. But the fact remains, and it will only be brought out more clearly by the Emperor's unchivalrous phrase, that in every arm the British have already shown themselves to be the better troops.

"If you'll let me, my dear, I'd adore helping you about the housekeeping. I don't want to stay here and be a burden. If you'll just turn it over to me, I could cut your housekeeping expenses in half." "Damn the women," was the unchivalrous thought that rose to George's lips.

It vanished in the distance, and presently we came up with him lying on the grass. He panted in the shade of the hedge with shining eyes but pretended not to see us. We had not exchanged a word so far. The girl by my side gave him a scornful glance in passing. "He offered to come with me," she remarked bitterly. "And then abandoned you!" I sympathized. "It looks very unchivalrous.

"To promise that would be lying," he said slowly, and his hand unclenched and lay listlessly on his knee. "If there is a reason some good reason why I should leave you then I will go." "Then you demand a reason?" "To demand a reason would be " He hesitated, and she added: "Unchivalrous." "Yes more than that," he replied softly.