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"W-what!" she faltered, bewildered. "I don't suppose you do realise it. People generally feel toward me as you feel; it has always been the fashion to tolerate me. It is a legend that I am thick-skinned and stupidly slow to take offence. I am not offended now.... Because I could not be with you.... But I am tired of it, and I thought it better that you should know it after all these years."

"Nothing at all," replied Philip with a charming smile. "I never do. Why mean anything when words come so easy without? It has occurred to me," he added innocently, "that it takes an uncommonly thick-skinned and unromantic dub to tour about covered with hay. Fancy sleeping through this wild and beautiful country when I might be grinding up lost chords to annoy the populace."

'I have borne with you, she said most truly, 'in all your rigorous manner of speaking; I have sought your favour by all possible means. 'True it is, madam, he answered, 'your Grace and I have been at divers controversies, in the which I never perceived your Grace to be offended at me. Knox's complacency is sometimes thick-skinned: but he was not wrong in thinking that Mary, a woman with immensely more brains than the generality of her posthumous admirers, had from the first understood and, perhaps, half liked her uncompromising adversary, and that she had at least enjoyed the dialectic conflicts in which she had held her own so well.

She's made me," Anna summed up, "feel as if I'd been dreadfully thick-skinned and obtuse!" "Yes. As if I'd treated her like the bric-a-brac that used to be sent down here 'on approval, to see if it would look well with the other pieces." She added, with a sudden flush of enthusiasm: "I'm glad she's got it in her to make one feel like that!"

When a man perseveres in this way, and is thick-skinned enough to bear all rebuffs, there is nothing he will not accomplish. I have no doubt he will be riding my horses in Leicestershire before the season is over." An answer, however, was written to him in the following words; I am afraid I cannot interfere with Mr. Roden, who doesn't like to be dictated to in such matters. Yours truly,

Here, you, Splinters, pay him for a thick-skinned, thieving shark, and give him a hundred for the others." The boy Splinters, who was a black lad, seemingly about twelve years old, came up at the word, and took a great canvas bag from a hook on the wall.

Sarah knows all about it. It won't hurt her; she has the methods of an ox. She goes direct to her point, and tramples over everything that stands in her way. If he were less thick-skinned she would be the death of him; but fortunately he has the hide of a rhinoceros." "I think you do them both a great deal less than justice," said John; but he was unable to help laughing. "Oh, you do, do you?

But Caldigate fancied that there must be a betrayal of trust in these revelations, and though he was in truth interested about the woman, did not give much encouragement to his friend. 'Upon my word, he said, 'I don't seem to care so very much about Mrs. Smith's affairs. 'I do, said Shand, who was thick-skinned and irrepressible.

Being an expert with the knife in such an operation, he was not long of removing the thick-skinned hairy covering from the carcass, and in this, while it was still warm, he wrapped his comrade not a moment too soon, for, despite the boy's zealous efforts, the intense cold had taken such hold of the poor man that he was almost unconscious.

"Is that the way you regard it?" A less thick-skinned man than Merrington would this time have caught something more than surprise in the other's tone. "Is there any other way of looking at it?" "I would not like to venture an opinion in this case without more knowledge than I have at present," returned Colwyn in sober accents.