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Pure and simple human nature is, for the moment, out of fashion as the subject of modern romance. But it remains a curious problem how the boisterous, brawny, thick-skinned lump of manhood whom we knew as Anthony Trollope ever came to conceive so many delicate and sensitive country maidens, and to see so deeply and so truly into the heart of their maiden meditations.

Grasping his knife, he commenced his labours, in which we were fain to assist him; and as he cut away, he lectured on the creature. "You see," he observed, "this is one of the Pachydermata, or thick-skinned animals. It is a link which connects the elephant and rhinoceros to the swine; indeed, their habits are somewhat similar.

When I told him, as I did, that he was a thick-skinned idiot and braggart, he looked amazed. But I left him to his surprise, and took what precautions I could against the newspaper falling into the hands of Miss Rossano.

'Are your hearts yet hardened? by which is meant, not hardened in the sense of being suddenly and stiffly set in antagonism to Him, but simply in the sense of being may I use the word? so pachydermatous, so thick-skinned, that nothing can go through them.

But we are not Greeks, O nymph! we are thick-skinned Scythians. 'We have roussalkas, observed Bersenyev. 'Get along with your roussalkas! What's the use to me a sculptor of those children of a cold, terror-stricken fancy, those shapes begotten in the stifling hut, in the dark of winter nights? I want light, space.... Good God, when shall I go to Italy? When

He showed himself, in his letters, to be an eminently practical, shrewd, selfish, and thick-skinned young man, who would quite certainly get on in the world, and was resolved to lose no opportunities, and, with that view, he took as much work out of his tutor as he could get for the money.

And they were, indeed, these thick-skinned animals, with a big head, a large, swollen snout, a mouth armed with teeth which extend a foot beyond it animals which are squat on their short limbs, the skin of which, unprovided with hair, is of a tawny red. Hippopotami in America! They continued to march during the whole day, but painfully. Fatigue commenced to retard even the most robust.

And if besides you have the additional advantage of being extremely smug, extremely thick-skinned, you shall go on living till ninety, and not during the whole of that time be stirred by so much as a single draught. Priscilla came up determined to be so cheerful that she began to smile almost before she got to the door.

He took pride in them and discharged them conscientiously. He knew that envious tongues accused him of using them to feather his nest, but he also knew that they accused him falsely. He was thick-skinned, and they might go to the devil.

In Greek pachus means thick, and derma skin. Pachyderms, therefore, are thick-skinned animals. It is rather a vague denomination, as you perceive, and does not tell us much about them; but it appears that it was not very easy to find a better term.