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As I said to you when I told you I'd decided to take the job on trial, while I have it it'll be my pride to see that you or your brother don't lose anything. I intend, if the Almighty spares me so long and I keep on with the trust, to turn over, when my term's out, at least as much to you and Steve as your father left. That's all. Excuse me for mentioning it again. Now, how much do you want?

"Ezra Herr he's resigned William Penn. He's gettin' more pay at Abra'm Lincoln in Janewille. It comes unhandy, his leavin', now the term's just started and most all the applicants took a'ready. Pop he got a letter from in there at Lancaster off of Superintendent Reingruber and he's sendin' us a applicant out till next Saturday three weeks fur the directors to see oncet if he'll do."

I can't waste my time teaching school, when I can run up to Chicago and take a shy at the pit and make a whole term's wages in thirty minutes." "I don't understand," said Stacey. "Wheat Exchange. I've got a lot of friends in the pit, and I can come in any time on a little deal. I'm no Jim Keene, but I hope to get cash enough to handle five thousand.

Betty was deep in her algebra. So, taking out the string of beads, she passed it slowly through her fingers. Then she held it up, and, looping it around her throat, looked in the mirror. "I suppose it's mighty childish of me," she said to herself, "but I can't enjoy my vacation if I go home with a single one of this term's pearls missing.

When the term's over, in a few weeks, I'm going to take the money I make and go to New York. It will be just enough to get me there and buy me a pretty hat, with a few dollars over. I am going with those into a café and get a bottle of champagne, and pick out the man with the best clothes.

It was too early to prophesy concerning the fortunes of next term's cricket team, but, if they were going to resemble the fifteen, Wrykyn was doomed to the worst athletic year it had experienced for a decade. "It's a bit of a come-down after last season, isn't it?" resumed Allardyce, returning to his sorrows. It was a relief to him to discuss his painful case without restraint.

But the Vicar of Blackstable did not easily alter any arrangements he had made, and it had always been intended that Philip should stay at King's School till he was eighteen, and should then go to Oxford. At all events he would not hear of Philip leaving then, for no notice had been given and the term's fee would have to be paid in any case.

"Miss Waspe also says, Marjory, that she is very glad indeed that you are going to be her pupil, and is looking forward to the term's work with two of you to teach." Marjory blushed with pleasure. "She is very kind. I am looking forward too." Mrs. Forester turned to go, saying that she hoped the girls would enjoy their tea and have a nice time.

The Chief was so ready to appreciate a joke, so quick with an answer, so unassuming, so utterly the antithesis of any master he had met before. There were one or two incidents that stood out clearer than any others in Gordon's memories of his Chief. At the very beginning of the term, before a start had been made on the term's work, the Chief was talking about Horace's life and characteristics.

"Quite all. Except" she turned round upon him and showed him that the dark skin of her face had whitened, that her eyes were hurt and angry "except that Alick has to go next week. I suppose I ought to give a term's notice; but also, if I don't, I suppose they'll do without it I shall be ready to go with him. We shall be busy till we start.