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Updated: August 24, 2024

"Well, you go down sullar an' bring me up a little piece o' pork streak o' fat an' streak o' lean an' I'll fry it. I'll sweep up here a mite while you're gone. Why, I never see such a lookin' kitchen! What's your name?" she called after him, as he set his foot on the Upper stair. He hesitated. "Joe!" he said, falteringly. "All right, then, Joe, you fly round an' git the pork!"

An awful silence reigned after the preliminary bows and scrapes had been achieved, first broken by George Tucker, who drew from under his chair a small basket of red-cheeked apples and handed them to Aunt Poll. "Well, now, George Tucker!" exclaimed the benign spinster, "you dew beat all for sass out o' season! Kep 'em down sullar, I expect?" "Yes'm, our sullar's very dry." "Well, it hed oughter.

I guess so, when the communion service was carried over fifteen mile an' left in a potato sullar. So I says to myself, 'What become o' that fust communion set? Why, before the meetin'-house was repaired, they all rode over to what's now Saltash, to worship in Square Billin's's kitchen.

Blair, in the voice of one who speaks perforce after long sufferance, "I'd ha' died in my tracks afore I'd left my comfortable home down in Tiverton Holler. Story-'n'-a-half house, a good sullar, an' woods nigh-by full o' sarsaparilla an' goldthread! I've moved more times in this God-forsaken place than a Methodist preacher, fust one room an' then another; an' bad is the best.

'Child's a-dyin' in here, says they; 'tumbled down the sullar stairs. They was like crazy creatur's; I give 'em the vial right there in the lane, an' they run in an' I followed 'em. Last time I was there the child was a-playin' out; looked rugged and hearty. They've never forgot it an' never will," said Mr. Teaby impressively, with a pensive look toward the horizon.

An' so to-day I said to myself I'd go to work an' get up the dinner an' trust there'd be eaters for it." "Why, Calliope," I said, "Calliope!" "I ain't got much to do with, myself," she added apologetically; "the most I've got in my sullar, I guess, is a gallon jar o' watermelon pickles. I could give that.

"Tell Mapleson's pickin' up sence he's got the post-office up in the 'Last Chance'; put that doggery out'n his sullar, had in wall paper now, an' drugs an' seeds, an' nobody was right sure where he got his funds to stock up, so they was some sort of story goin' about a half-breed named Pahusky when I first come here, bein' 'sociated with Mapleson Cam Gentry's same old Cam, squintin' round an' jolly as ever.

She walked into the pantry, where she gave the shelves a critical survey, and then, returning to the kitchen, looked about her once more. "If it's one day sence I've been down sullar," she said aloud, "it's two year." She 'was lighting a candle as she spoke. In another moment, she was taking sprightly steps down the stairs into the darkness below.

"Thanks be to goodness, it's over, Miss Shirley, ma'am," breathed Charlotta the Fourth, "and they're married safe and sound, no matter what happens now. The bags of rice are in the pantry, ma'am, and the old shoes are behind the door, and the cream for whipping is on the sullar steps." At half past two Mr. and Mrs.

The lightning knocked over the kitchen chimbly and come down the flue and knocked over Ginger's cage and tore a hole in the floor and went into the sullar. Yas'm." "Was Ginger hurt?" queried Anne. "Yas'm. He was hurt pretty bad. He was killed." Later on Anne went over to comfort Mr. Harrison. She found him sitting by the table, stroking Ginger's gay dead body with a trembling hand.

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