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Updated: August 14, 2024

The other two in the path of the ray had not lost their grip upon the logs, and the men could not advance to scoop them up. Not while there were others not affected, free to flee back into hiding. Weeks bound the net about the captive and looked to Rip for orders. "Deep freeze," the acting-commander of the Queen said succinctly. "Let me see it get out of that!"

And he read aloud to me in his remarkable style, paralleling the text with a running criticism and commentary, lucidly wording involved and lumbering periods, casting side and cross lights upon the subject, introducing points the author had blundered past and objections he had ignored, catching up lost ends, flinging a contrast into a paradox and reducing it to a coherent and succinctly stated truth in short, flashing his luminous genius in a blaze of fire over pages erstwhile dull and heavy and lifeless.

Snubbins for an introduction, scratching his head. Mr. Snubbins said, succinctly: "These here gals are from a railroad train that's snowed under down there in the cut. I expect they air hungry, Miz' Morton." "Goodness me! Is that so?" cried the good woman, bustling forward and jerking her spectacles down astride her nose, the better to see the unexpected guests.

It appeared that Michael had been commissioned to paint the portrait of some Italian society beauty and had gone to Rome. Gillian screwed up her small face resolutely. "I shall go to Rome!" she announced succinctly. There was a definite defiance in her tone, and Storran concealed a smile. "Of course you will," he replied composedly.

He certainly had proved himself a good advocate in his own cause. The case thus put succinctly and clearly before her appeared very black to Elsa against herself. Ever ready for self-deprecation, she began to think that indeed she had behaved in a very ugly, unwomanly and aggressive manner, and her meekness cost her no effort now when she said gently: "I am sorry, Béla!

The preceding section has developed the geographical limits of the formations, the extent of the direction of the zones of gneiss-granite, mica-slate-gneiss, clay-slate, sandstone and intermediary limestone, which come successively to light. We will now indicate succinctly the nature and relative age of these formations.

Now came a dozen farles of cake, crisp and toothsome, from the girdle, and three large scones raised with yeast. Then followed, out of some receptacle not too strictly to be localized, half a pound of butter, wrapped in a cabbage-leaf, and a quart jug of pewter. Ralph looked on in amazement. "Where did you get all these?" he asked. "Get them? Took them!" said Jock succinctly.

Then when he had finished the Lady of Thrieve turned to Sholto "And you, captain of the guard, what have you done, and wherefore left you your master in his hour of need?" Then succinctly and to the point Sholto spoke, his father and Laurence assenting and confirming as he told of the Earl's commission and of how he had accomplished those things that were laid upon him.

The inquirer will find, in Mr. John Money's excellent work, the opinions of Rousseau reviewed succinctly and impartially.

"And truly, my Lord," he continued, "as Mr. Secretary is a noble, good, and true friend unto you, so doth Mr. Vice-Chamberlain show himself an honourable, true, and faithful gentleman, and doth carefully and most like a good friend for your Lordship." And thus very succinctly and graphically had the envoy painted the situation to his principal.

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