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The man dropped the rifle into his arm without taking his eyes from Chauvenet. He said succinctly, but still with his drawl: "You air a liar, seh!" Chauvenet took a step forward, looked again into the rifle barrel, and stopped short. Fanny, bored by the prolonged interview, bent her neck and nibbled at a weed.

"I know what you mean, Brent," he replied, "and there may be something to the argument. It gives an idea of conservativeness and prosperity." "You've made a bull's-eye," said Trixton Brent, succinctly. "But but I'm not ready to begin on this scale," objected Howard.

Sally summarily marched across the room and flung the gay bonnet and the mournful one out of the window. Then she took out a bundle of very old underwear which had turned a saffron yellow with age. "People are always coming to me for old linen in case of burns," she said, succinctly. "After these are washed I can supply an auto da fe." Poor Sally worked all that day and several days afterward.

"And truly, my Lord," he continued, "as Mr. Secretary is a noble, good, and true friend unto you, so doth Mr. Vice-Chamberlain show himself an honourable, true, and faithful gentleman, and doth carefully and most like a good friend for your Lordship." And thus very succinctly and graphically had the envoy painted the situation to his principal.

Winston Churchill succinctly puts it when commenting on the strictures passed on his father for "inciting" Ulster to resist Home Rule, "Constitutional authorities will measure their censures according to their political opinions."

There may have been sunsets before this winter, but it seems as though I hadn't had time to see one before over the ironworks, you know, where that hideous black smoke is all day, and the sun turned it into such loveliness " "You've missed your trolley-car," said her mother succinctly.

I kept them because Bordin died soon after, before I had a chance to return them. You shall read them. You will find the facts much more succinctly stated than I could state them. Those facts are so numerous that I should only lose myself in the details and confuse them, whereas in those papers you have them in a legal summary.

The council was brief. General Lee succinctly laid before his listeners the whole situation. His army was on a strip of land between the James River and the enemy. He could not cross the river if he could not break through the enemy in his front the army was lost. General Grant had understood his situation, and a correspondence had taken place.

"Why, darn your eyes, why shouldn't I think of it? Why did old Noah think of the Ark? Why, I ask you?" "He didn't," said Buck succinctly. "The feller that wrote the Bible thought of it." "What time is it? Oh, Lord, nearly three hours yet before school is out." "Say, are you off your base, lemme smell your breath. You act like Wait a second! There's something else I want to speak to you about.

I draw my salary every week, and any man that says I earn sixpence in the dark is at liberty to walk right in here and deposit his funeral expenses. If I'm supposed to be under a cloud there's my reply. But I demand a public inquiry." At ever increasing speed, succinctly, viciously he rapped out the words. His red face grew more red, and his steel-blue eyes more fierce.