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"What are you going for?" she said presently, as Cuckoo, bending down, stuffed a white petticoat into the depths. "Can't pay," snarled Cuckoo. "It don't matter for a day or two," said Mrs. Brigg, reluctantly. She stumped downstairs, torn by conflicting emotions.

He is pallid, even in bronze, and his face is lined as he muses over the problem that has stumped the wisest of us: how to make a man by stuffing a child with books! It cannot be done, but we follow this will-o'-the wisp through the swamps of experience with the pitiable enthusiasm of despair.

"I want my morning rations," he crooned, as he stumped forward to his chair. "The cold nips me without 'em. See to my fingers!" He held out his distorted hands, all blue at the tips, wrinkled and gnarled, with huge, projecting knuckles. "It's nigh ready," answered the girl, gazing at him with wonder in her eyes. "Don't you know who I am, granduncle? I am Norah Brewster from Witham."

"Whiskers?" said I. "No." "Goggles?" "No." "Oh, keep still, Huck Finn, can't you, you're only just hendering all you can. What WAS it he bought, Jake?" "You'd never guess in the world. It was only just a screwdriver just a wee little bit of a screwdriver." "Well, I declare! What did he want with that?" "That's what I thought. It was curious. It clean stumped me.

Ten went up after quarter of an hour's play. And then Foster, reaching out to play forward, slipped on the wet grass and was stumped. Three balls later Bradford was caught and bowled. It was Gordon's turn to go in. Nearly everything depended on him. If he failed, the whole side would probably collapse.

You and I could go with him one Sunday and to walk the next Sunday. That would be fair. I'm his little girl same as I am yours, Uncle Shad, ain't I?" Shadrach was stumped, and he went to church that Sunday morning. The sermon had nothing to do with Jonah or the whale, so his feelings were not ruffled. Zoeth was mightily pleased and Mary-'Gusta was happy because he was.

"Yes, but you forget one thing," the sly-eyed Hal rejoined: "With so much Q R M, it's very hard to pick out common sense in an affair like this." "That's true," replied the other. "We've had more interference in this trip thus far than anything else." "And the big question now is, how're we goin' to tune it out?" "I confess, I'm stumped," said Cub.

In effect, they wished to look over the premises. "The inspector was in a very bad temper and the sergeant was obviously depressed. They conversed in low tones as they stumped up the stairs and I heard the sergeant say something about 'an awful suck in. "'Oh, don't talk of it, snapped the inspector. 'It's enough to make a cat sick.

Not only were they anxious about their own fate but it was far past the time when they should have heard from Henderson and Rondel. Patsy's nerves were getting beyond her control; Uncle John stumped around with his hands thrust deep in his pockets and a frown wrinkling his forehead; the captain smoked innumerable pipes of tobacco and said not a word.

"I'm stumped," he admitted. "Come on. Let's stretch our legs before we get called back in to go to work." Scotty and Hassan joined him as he walked toward the barracks where cement was being poured to form the floor. Scotty borrowed the cat for a quick look, then handed it back. Rick stowed it in his pocket. "Whatever kitty's got, it's pretty interesting to some people," Scotty commented.