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But Dave detained her. "Minna!" She stopped and turned back to him. "You will?" "Sprechen sie Deutsch, Minna?" "Ja yes why not? I should think I do. I always could. Why couldn't I?" She went on her mission, grumbling pettishly. Why shouldn't she speak her own language? What did the man think? He must be a joker! "Mamma!" Herman called again. "Git also the young one some that apfel kuchen.

And now here he was chattering about her father! "It's the usual story," commented Louise calmly, "with these nouveaux riches." "Sh!" A moment of stillness, as if both were listening. Then, "Sprechen Sie Deutsch?" "I er read it fairly well." "Parlez-vous Francais?" "Oh, oui! Oui!" "Allors." And there followed, in undertones, a short, spirited conversation in the Gallic.

The effect is vastly diverting, especially when Boito's paraphrase of Goethe's Von Zeit zu Zeit seh' ich den Alten gern Und hute mich mit ihm zu brechen. Es ist gar hubsch von einem grossen Herrn, So menschlich mit dem Teufel selbst zu sprechen. is turned into: "Now and again 'tis really pleasant thus to chat with the angels, and I'll take good care not to quarrel with them.

With any one else Lutchkov would thereupon have kept on more than before; Kister he did not tease. 'Well, well, sprechen Sie deutsch, Ivan Andreitch, he muttered in an undertone, 'don't be angry. 'Listen, Avdey, Kister began warmly, and he sat down beside him. Why, there are nice people in the world, hang it all!

Kohler, who was transplanting pansies, came up with her trowel and told Thea it was lucky to have your birthday when the lindens were in bloom, and that she must go and look at the sweet peas. Wunsch accompanied her, and as they walked between the flower-beds he took Thea's hand. "ES FLUSTERN UND SPRECHEN DIE BLUMEN," he muttered. "You know that von Heine?

"How much have I now?" asked Leopold, in plain English, forgetting for the time all the rest of the German he knew. "Sprechen Deutsch!" exclaimed the watch-maker. "I don't remember any more German," laughed the young man. "How much money have I now?" Herr Schlager opened the iron safe and placed in one of its draws the sum just given him by his nephew, and took therefrom a slip of paper.

"Sprechen sie Deutsch?" responded the smoker, opening his eye a little wider, and taking the pipe from his mouth. "Speak English, you fool," bawled Mr. Jorrocks. "I'll run you through the gizzard!" rejoined Mr. Jorrocks, half drawing his sword, "skin you alive, in fact!" when in rushed the Countess and threw herself between them.

Dave Cowan affected to be overcome with confusion, while Minna laughed loud and long at her sally. Herman laughed with her, his head back and huge red beard lifted from his chest. "She got you that time, mister!" he called to Dave. "Mamma's a bright one, give her a minute so she gits herself on the spot!" "Ja! Sprechen sie English?" taunted Minna again, for a second relish of her repartee.

Effusively, in her triumph, she patted the cheek of the Wilbur twin. "Ja! I could easy enough give your poppa as good like he sent, yes? Sprechen sie English, nicht wahr?" Again her bulk trembled with honest mirth, and while this endured she went to the ice box and brought a bone for Frank, the dog. Frank fell upon it with noisy gurgles.

"Ja, gnadige Frau. Sie sprechen gar kluge Dinge. Doch das ist schon keine Plauderei mehr, sondern eine ernste unterhaltung. Yes, my dear madam. You say very wise things. But this is no longer small talk; it is, rather, serious conversation ... And for that reason it is more convenient for me, if you will revert to the Russian language ... I am ready to obey you."