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Updated: August 18, 2024

"How do you know that, you little rascal?" "When I was asleep, she said: 'God bless us all, an' Mr. Ashes. I yeard 'er whisperin'." "You're a little ruffian to tell what you hear when you're not meant to hear it!" The little boy was silent. Then he said aggressively: "I can skin rabbets. Megan, she can't bear skinnin' 'em. I like blood." "Oh! you do; you little monster!" "What's that?"

But your brother's the feller that you've got to watch clostest when he's settin' in front o' you with one little pair. He's the feller that's most likely to know all you know about the cards and what he knows besides. They've bin skinnin' one another so long that they'll be as anxious to git at your fresh young blood as a New Orleans skeeter is to sink into a man just from the North."

Says th' Topeka man, skinnin' over th' gossip about Christyan citizenship an' th' toolchest iv pothry: 'Eliza, here's a good paper, a fine wan, f'r ye an' th' childher. Sind Tommy down to th' corner an' get me a copy iv th' Polis Gazette." "Ye see, Hinnissy, th' editor wint to th' wrong shop f'r what Hogan calls his inspiration.

"Never mind how I look; tell me at once what you've been up to!" "Ha, ha, ha!" he laughed, "d'ye tink I kilt some ol' sucker for 'is money hey? Ha, ha! Well, I hain't, see? I've bin skinnin' a dead hoss an brot ye d' skin for a birfday present, see?" The skin was lying in a bloody heap outside the back door. I arranged "Franz" for dinner and the party was complete.

"Thar ain't no way o' skinnin this ere cat 'cept with bagonets," said Abner, decidedly, and a general murmur expressed the opinion that so far as the present company was concerned government would have to practice some preliminary phlebotomy on their persons before they would submit to any further bleeding of their purses by the tax-collector.

She came across him out in the hills, engaged in some occupation which so absorbed him that he did not hear her until she was all but upon him. "Oh, hello!" His face lighted up in pleased surprise when he saw her. "I was jest skinnin' out a rattlesnake for you." "Were you, Bowers?" She looked at him oddly. "You are always doing something nice for me, aren't you?"

Swope on the edge of my range and shoot 'im full of holes! Nothin' else will do, somebody has got to be killed before this monkey business will stop! I've been makin' faces and skinnin' my teeth at that dastard long enough now, and I'm goin' to make him fight if I have to put high-life on 'im!"

"Lisha looked as black as thunder, throwed his hat into a corner, and came along to the sink where I was skinnin' pertaters. As he washed his hands, I asked what the matter was; but he only muttered and slopped, and I couldn't git nothin' out of him, for he ain't talkative at the best of times as you see, and when he's werried corkscrews wouldn't draw a word from him.

"Why sartainly I do. Ain't it better nor whippin' to death? "What's a Stole arter all? It's nothin' but a coat. Philosophizin' on it, Stranger, there is nothin' to shock a man. The dead don't feel. Skinnin', then, ain't cruel, nor is it immoral. To bury a good hide, is, waste waste is wicked.

His dad done it good, too good as 'twas ever done, I guess. "But next day Gabe himself happens along, and I see right off that I'd made a mistake in my reckonin'. The Honorable Atkinson Holway wa'n't figgerin' to borrow nothin'. When a chap has been skinnin' halibut, minnows are too small for him to bother with. Gabe was full of fried clams and philanthropy. "'By Jove!

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