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His mother asks him how many times she has told him not to swear. He has his club with him under the bedclothes, and Jacky protests: "Mummy! Tommy's skinnin' me alive wif his club. Make him take it out." Tommy: "Shet up, you little ! D'yer want to be bit with the snake?" Jacky shuts up.

"'Well, then, sais you, 'paint a party of gipsies there; mind their different coloured clothes, and different attitudes, and different occupations. Here a man mendin' a harness, there a woman pickin' a stolen fowl, there a man skinnin' a rabbit, there a woman with her petticoat up, a puttin' of a patch in it.

"You'll soon git used to it, and make your 40 miles a day like the rest of us, carrying your bed-clothes and family groceries with you. It's all in gittin' used to it, as the man said who'd bin skinnin' eels for 40 years, and that now they didn't mind it a bit." "Well, le's jog along," said Si. "We ought to git there in another hour.

""Can't you-all see them sharps is skinnin' you?" says this friend, an' his tones is loaded with disgust. "Ain't you wise enough to know this game ain't on the squar', an' them outlaws has a end-squeeze box an' is dealin' two kyards at a clatter an' puttin' back right onder your ignorant nose? Which you conducts yourse'f like you was born last week!"

"Why sartainly I do. Ain't it better nor whippin' to death? "What's a Stole arter all? It's nothin' but a coat. Philosophizin' on it, Stranger, there is nothin' to shock a man. The dead don't feel. Skinnin', then, ain't cruel, nor is it immoral. To bury a good hide, is, waste waste is wicked.

It is a barren spot indeed, where they cannot find resources. "We needn't holler till we're hurt," says one of the hunters. "If yer call an empty belly a hurt," rejoins another, "I've got it already. I kud jest eat a raw jackass 'ithout skinnin' him." "Come, fellers!" cries a third, "let's gramble for a meal o' these peenyuns."

Where was the owner? Could he have escaped from the thicket while the men were engaged around the fallen buffaloes? He might, though it was barely probable; but the hunters knew that these savages run more like wild animals, like hares, than human beings, and he might have escaped to the chapparal. "If that Injun has got clar," said Garey, "we've no time to lose in skinnin' them bufflers.

I ain't meanin' nothin' wrong. But I reckon when anyone's got a sneakin' coyote for a friend an' don't know it, it's doin' 'em a good turn to spit things right out, frank an' fair. "This Corrigan ain't on the level, ma'am. Do you know what he's doin'? He's skinnin' the folks in this country out of about a hundred thousand acres of land. He's clouded every damn title.

I notes that Rainbow steps off that time some tottersome; but he's so plumb weak that a-way, cats is robust to him; an' so I deems nothin' tharof. I'm skinnin' my kyards a bit interested anyhow, bein' in the hole myse'f. "Everybody comes in this deal, an' when the chips is in the center this yere's before the draw Hamilton, speakin' up for Rainbow, says: "'These yere's Doc Peets's chips anyhow?