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Updated: August 20, 2024

But I won't lecture you this time, though you did scare me! I guess you felt pretty bad after finding that poor fellow. I felt shuddery enough even at the thought of it, considering that we knew him, and had all been together such a little while before. Has the murderer been found yet?" "Not that I know of. The inquest's adjourned, and I'm off to-morrow.

The mist seemed to have fingers now, long, dark white, crawling fingers; it seemed, too, to have in its sheer silence a sort of muttered menace, a shuddery lurkingness, as if from out of it that spirit of the unknown, which in hot blood we had just now so gleefully mocked, were creeping up at us, intent on its vengeance.

I came near dropping in there myself." "Are you hurt, Selwin?" called the woman. "No," he answered; "but I came mighty near falling into a trap." As he approached her she observed a look on his face that gave her a shuddery chill. "Let me take the child," he said. "No; I'll carry him a little while. Did you see anything of the pursuers?" "See them?" he snarled. "Curse them, yes!"

The public in the United States had become used to newspaper and broadcast scares. They were unconsciously relegated to the same category as horror movies, which some day might come true, but not yet. This particular news story seemed more frightening than most, but still it was taken more or less as shuddery entertainment.

They might let us carry water for the elephants and earn a ticket to the circus, even if we are girls." "I want to see it now," sobbed Celia Jane. Jerry began to feel sort of shuddery inside and his mouth puckered up the way it did when he felt like crying. He was awfully sorry that Celia Jane didn't have a ticket too.

I will help Williams up to bed and have his luggage sent up. He will be quite well to-morrow if he can get to sleep. You needn't bother any more, dearie. Go into the drawing-room and I will join you there presently." Rossiter gave the rather shuddery, shivery, teeth-clacking David an arm till he saw him into the bedroom and resting on the bedroom sofa.

I have despaired of your ever becoming civilized enough to understand the misery of my sister and family. Why not let the Indians kill me?" He knew how to wound her. A quick, shuddery cry broke from her lips. She stood before him with bowed head and wept. When she spoke again her voice was broken and pleading. "You are cruel and unjust. Though Myeerah has Indian blood she is a white woman.

It was a spectacle almost as impressive as that of the falls, and in some ways, as the car skimmed along the brink of these mighty precipices, it was even more "shuddery," as Elsie expressed it. But the part that affected them the most was the return journey through the gorge, after they had recrossed the river five miles below the falls.

How many have delighted in the Yankee's inimitable description of his feelings toward that classic damsel of the sixth century? At first he got along easily with the girl; but after a while he began to feel for her a sort of mysterious and shuddery reverence.

In comparison with this story of yours, vampirism is the merest children's tale a funny Christmas story, to be laughed at. "And yet," said Theodore, "our friend has discreetly thrown a veil over a great many things, and has passed so rapidly over others, that his story has merely caused us a passing feeling of the eery and shuddery for which we are duly grateful to him.

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