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Updated: July 31, 2024

La mia Accademia un tempo, o mia Ginnasia, E stata volentier ne' miei boschetti; E puossi ben veder l' Affrica e l' Asia: Vengon le Ninfe con lor canestretti, E portanmi o narciso o colocasia; E così fuggo mille urban dispetti: ch' io non torno a' vostri Areopaghi, Gente pur sempre di mal dicer vaghi.

Throughout there are connections seemingly interminable in length, and indications of legato, sempre legato, which the author not only did not indicate, but in places where it is easy to see that he intended the exact opposite. If this is the case, what shall be said of marking the fingering on all the notes which often makes good playing impossible.

The words, 'Brunetta mia simpatica, ti amo sempre più, sung after this fashion to Eustace's handsome partner, who puffed delicate whiffs from a Russian cigarette, and smiled her thanks, had a peculiar appropriateness. All the ladies, it may be observed in passing, had by this time lit their cigarettes.

Pericles, though fully believing in his heart that it might only be a temporary deprivation of voice, affected to scout the notion of another trial, but finally extended his forefinger: "Well, now; start! 'Sempre al tuo Santo! Commence: Sem " and Mr. Pericles hummed the opening bar, not as an unhopeful man would do. The next moment he was laughing horribly.

È sempre lo stesso, brutto o bello, bello o brutto. "Eh! cosa a me m'importa, se sono brutto o bello non so, a me è lo stesso." This was all I could get from her. It's all the same to me, ugly or handsome, handsome or ugly. But to return to our washerwomen.

After half an hour's run to the north-west my bearers, raising loud shouts of "Alii! vai sempre!" dashed into the market-place where about a hundred souls were assembled. The women rose in terror from their baskets and piles of vendibles; some began hastily to pack up, others threw themselves into the bush.

"Appena in questo stato ho comprato due meloni: e benche io sia stato quasi sempre infermo, molte volte mi sono contentato del' manzo e la ministra di latte o di zucca, quando ho potuto averne, mi e stata in vece di delizie." Even had he been in health and appetite, he might have satisfied his hunger with it for about five farthings, and have left half for supper. And now a word on his insanity.

Addio, non scordarvi di me, io sono sempre il vostro fidele fratello. I beg that when you see her you will give her my compliments. I hope, and do not doubt, that you are in good health.

"Vincasi per fortund o per ingano, Il vincer sempre fu laudabil cosa"... "I have often heard those words from my brother, but never from my father. Well, never mind, I have lost. Give your judgment now, I will obey." "Wait a little. Let me see. Ah! my sentence is that you shall exchange your garters for mine." "Exchange our garters! But you have seen mine, they are ugly and worth nothing."

They are quite safe, he says, kept in a box like the one in which she keeps his. "But why this uneasiness now? Why? This is what I ask myself in terrible anxiety!" He finishes with "Adieu, my dear and beautiful life whom I love so much, and to whom I can now say 'Sempre medesimo."

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