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So 'cardenly, I laid into the mess of it, workin' off the bank where the trees was drownin' themselves head-down in the roosh just such weather as this an' the brook creepin' up on me all the time. 'Long toward noon, Jim comes mowchin' along with his toppin' axe over his shoulder. "Be you minded for an extra hand at your job?" he says. "Be you minded to turn to?"

It's no use to fire a piece without you can take good aim, and you can't do that in the dark it's only waste of powder. Now, then, are you ready?" "Ay, ay," was whispered back in the midst of the ominous silence that prevailed. "Then look here," cried the gunner, "I shall go in at 'em roosh; and if they downs me, don't you mind, lads, but keep on; go over me at once and board the place."

This went on for some minutes without advantage on either side, till, growing tired, Billy Waters drew back for a moment. "Now, my lads," he whispered, "I'm going to roosh him. Keep close up, Tom Tully, and nail him if I go down."

Boat's crew well armed, and we're going to have Old King Cole out before many more minutes are gone." "Take care," cried Carey, excitedly. "Think of the danger. What are you going to do?" "Roosh him, sir, somehow or another," cried the old sailor, "and I'm a-going first." "What! He will shoot you." "Let him try," cried Bostock, grimly.

He walked across the room to Colonel De Willoughby. "I am going home," he said, in a low, fierce voice; "you had better come with me." "No sush thing," answered the Colonel, gaily. "On'y just come. Don't go to roosh with shickens. Just quoting Tom Moore to Miss Baxter. Bes' of all ways to lengthen our days Is to steal a few hours from the night, my dear."

"I was coming, sir, bull roosh, when just as I was running along the river-bank, wondering how I was to swim out to you among them crocodiles, some one popped out from the bushes and fetched me down with an awful crack on the pan." "Struck you down?" "Yes, sir. Hit me crool. There's a lump on the top now as big as your fist. Regularly knocked me silly.

The quick eye of the grand duke at once espied Prince Adalbert running to field a ball. "Ach, he is zlimmer!" he said in a tone of satisfaction. "Zlimmer? He is zlimmer, your Highness. Id iz zat leedle she-devil-child. She nevare nod nevare leds 'im be steel. All ze day she makes 'im roosh and roosh. He haf nevare no breath in hees loongs nod nevare!" "Ach, zo?" said the grand duke calmly.

Oh, he's over yonder now, right in the middle of yon orchard, and nobody durst go near him. Every time any one makes a start he begins to roosh, and then goes back in amongst the trees, and when I come away I never see anything like it in my life. It was bushels then." "Bushels bushels, my man?"

But if you two makes a roosh by while I go into my sentry-box, it aren't no fault o' mine." He turned from them, marched to his little upright box, and entered it, while before he could turn the two lads were dashing through the gate, and directly after were beneath the trees.

"Elephants is what they call 'telligent beasts, and you don't know but what that there annymile is a-hearing every word you say and only waiting till I'm gone to make a roosh, knock you down, and do his war-dance all over you." "Hah! The same as they trample the life out of the tigers at home."