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He bent forward over the bowl, and the cubicle echoed with sounds of splashing broken by gasps, splutters, and gurgles, until he straightened up, groped blindly for two yards or so of dark grey roller-towel ornamenting the adjacent wall, buried his face in its hospitable obscurity, and presently emerged to daylight with a countenance bright and shining above his chin, below his eyebrows, and in front of his ears.

Louise found him at the roller-towel, after his emblematic ablutions. "Oh, is it so near dinner?" she asked. "Yes. Where is Maxwell?" "I left him up at the camp." She walked a little way out into the ground-ivy that matted the back-yard under the scattering spruce trees. Matt followed, and watched the homing and departing bees around the hives in the deep, red-clovered grass near the wall.

"She was bakin' these pies, but I want her now to redd up. Take all them pans to the dresser, Tillie." Tillie went to the table to do as she was bid. "Well, I must be goin' home now," said Mr. Getz. "I'll take Tillie's wages, Em." Mrs. Wackernagel set her lips as she wiped her hands on the roller-towel and opened the dresser drawer to get her purse. "How's her?" she inquired, referring to Mrs.

Una was annoyed with herself for ever observing so unlovely an object, but in the moment of relaxation when she went to wash her hands she was unduly sensitive to that eternal rag, and to the griminess of the wash-room the cracked and yellow-stained wash-bowl, the cold water that stung in winter, the roller-towel which she spun round and round in the effort to find a dry, clean, square space, till, in a spasm of revulsion, she would bolt out of the wash-room with her face and hands half dried.

I can't explain it. Nobody seems to know anything about her, except that she's from Boston and seems to have heaps of money." Jim was wiping his hands on the roller-towel behind the door. "I had a chance to annex a little more of Miss Orr's money today," he observed grimly. "But I haven't made up my mind yet whether to do it, or not." Fanny laughed and shrugged her shoulders.

Everything's just the same as when I left except the clean roller-towel on the back of the door there that's new Well, I think I'll go to bed now. I need sleep." Then we all went out of the kitchen into the scullery and watched Chee-Chee climb the plate-rack like a sailor going up a mast.

Titania ran back into the room, followed by Helen, whose face was crimson. "Thank God you're back, Roger," she said. "These brutes tied me up in the kitchen and gagged me with a roller-towel. They threatened to shoot Titania if she wouldn't give them the suitcase." Weintraub began to say something, but Roger thrust the revolver between his eyes. "Hold your tongue!" he said.

Susy burst into tears, and tried to talk at the same time, but nobody could understand her. "O, O!" moaned Prudy, burying her face in the roller-towel, "if I can't go I shall just lay down my head and cry!" "It's not true, children, not one word; she's only joking," said aunt Madge, laughing and shaking the egg-beater at her sister. "I'm really ashamed of your aunt Louise for trying to tease you.

They would hate us, if we kept them from their golf. So sorry not to have been able to play bridge with you yesterday, but an engagement. What a busy place Tilling is. Let me see! Where is the list of things that Figgis told me to buy? That Figgis! A roller-towel for his pantry, and some blacking for his boots, and some flannel I suppose for his fat stomach. It is all for Figgis.

But having washed his hands at a pump in the scullery, and dried them on a roller-towel with no sense that the apparatus was deficient he tucked his hat under his arm and, handling his snuff-box, tripped after her as hastily as vanity and an elegant demeanour permitted.