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Updated: August 25, 2024

Make an agreement with thine adversary Whilst thou art in the way, and do not tarry; Lest he at any time deliver thee Unto the judge, and by the judge thou be Unto the officer forthwith resign'd, And in imprisonment thou be confin'd; I do affirm thou shalt not be enlarg'd, Till thou the utmost farthing hast discharg'd.

Zeus, the Olympian Lord of the Thunder, also retiring, Pass'd to the couch where of old to the sweetness of sleep he resign'd him; This he ascended and slept: and beside him was Hera the Gold-throned. It is proposed to establish a new Society or Association, under the style and title of the "Fogie Club."

In short, I found, indeed, they had a great deal more Knowledge of things than we in this World; and that Nature, Science, and Reason, had obtained great Improvements in the Lunar World; but as to Religion, it was the same equally resign'd to and concluded in Faith and Redemption; so I shall give the World no great Information of these things.

"O, shame of Gallia, in one sullen tower "She wets with royal tears her daily cell; "She finds keen anguish every rose devour, "They spring, they bloom, then bid the world farewell. "Illustrious mourner! will no gallant mind "The cause of love, the cause of justice own? "Such claims! such charms! And is no life resign'd "To see them sparkle from their parent throne?"

Greece honors not with solemn fasts the dead: Enough when death demands the brave to pay The tribute of a melancholy day. One chief with patience to the grave resign'd, Our care devolves on others left behind.

But independent souls will brave All hardships to be free; No more I weep to cross the wave, My native land to see. But ever as a thought most bless'd, Her distant shores will rise, In all their spring-tide beauty dress'd. To cheer my mental eyes. And treasured in my inmost heart, The friends I left behind; But reason's voice, that bade us part, Now bids me be resign'd.

It was the feeble Husband you enjoy'd In cold imagination, and no more; Shily you turn'd away faintly resign'd. Sir Cau. Hum, did she so? Gay. Till my Excess of Love betray'd the Cheat. Sir Cau. Ay, ay, that was my Fear. L. Ful. Away, be gone I'll never see you more Gay. You may as well forbid the Sun to shine. Not see you more! Heavens! I before ador'd you, But now I rave!

But, although thus helpless, the innocency of their lives, and the resign'd cheerfulness of their dispositions to their allotments, made the labor and toil of taking care of them agreeable and pleasant; and I trust we were preserv'd from murmuring or repining, believing the dispensation to be in wisdom, and according to the will and gracious disposing of an all-wise providence, for purposes best known to himself.

Oh! hard it is that fondness to sustain, And struggle not to feel averse in vain; But harder still the heart's recoil to bear, And hide from one, perhaps another there; He takes the hand I give not nor withhold, Its pulse nor checked nor quickened, calmly cold: And when resign'd, it drops a lifeless weight From one I never loved enough to hate.

Pox on't, this Change will spoil our making Love, We must be sad, and follow the Court-Mode: My life on't, you'll see desperate doings here; The Eagle will not part so with his Prey; Erminia was not gain'd so easily, To be resign'd so tamely. But come, my Lord, This will not satisfy our appetites, Let's in to Dinner, and when warm with Wine, We shall be fitter for a new Design. Fal. stays. Fal.

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