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I tell you I ain't yours it's a free country, this is!" "If I an immortal can stoop thus, it becomes you not to reject the dazzling favour." A last argument occurred to him. "But I reelly don't think, mum," he said persuasively, "that you can be quite aware of the extent of the stoop.

That evening the old trainer, driving through the village, came on the discomfited artist and drew up to have a word with him. "Oh, dear! Oh, dear! Oh, dear!" began the old man in his sympathetic wheeze. "This is a bad job to be sure, Mr. Joses. So that long mare o' mine had a shot at your pore brain-box. When I heard, I wep' a tear, I did reelly." He shook a sorrowful head.

She'll be only too glad o' the ride, but do you think now do you reelly think it's advisable to lug a third party along when it's clear as dish-water he wants you alone by himself an' yourself? It's this way with men. If they set out to do a thing, they gener'ly do it. But believe me, if you put impederments in their way, they'll shoor do it, an' then some.

Butters, "and my present one seems to be failin' up some. I hope she'll live now, I reelly do." "Vesta!" Miss Phoebe's voice rang sharp and shrill through the house. Miss Vesta started. She was at her evening post in the upper hall. The lamp was lighted, the prayer had been said. "Dear Lord, I beseech thee, protect all souls at sea this night; for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen!"

"If you can remember one sufficiently well to rehearse it to us, I feel that it would do us all good." Mr. Badcock coughed. "Oh, sir," he protested, "I couldn't! I reelly couldn't. You'll excuse me, but I hold very strong opinions on unlicensed preaching." He hesitated; then suddenly his brow cleared. "But I can read you one, sir. Reading one is altogether another matter."

My niece, Mary, was a-dustin' the banisters when the two kem out from breakfast, an' she heerd the Gov'nor say: 'That's my last word on the subjec'. I mean to be obeyed this time. "'But, look here, pater, said Mr. Robert he always calls his father pater, ye know 'I reelly can't arrange matters in that offhand way. You must give me time. 'Not another minute, said Mr. Fenley.

Dollimore, "but then he's seech a naughty, conceited creature don't follow his example, Meester Smith;" and again the good lady laughed immoderately. "Nay, Mrs. Dollimore," said Mr. Ritson, passing his hand through his abominable hair, "you are too severe; but tell me, Mrs. Dollimore, is the Countess St. A coming here?" "Now, reelly, Mr.

Upon them with the lance! And he lets go the pump-handle, and it flies up and hits the shelf and knocks off two plates and a cup, and Bubble, he's off with the mop-handle, chasin' the old black hen and makin' believe run her through, till she e'enamost died of fright. Well, there, it give me a turn; it reelly did!" She paused rather sadly, seeing that her hearers were both overcome with laughter.

I know what it was we were talking of embarrassments and I wish to do your father the justice to mention to you, that he has been uncommon liberal to me about this gala, and has reelly given me carte blanche; and I've a notion indeed I know, that it is you, Colambre, I am to thank for this." "Me, ma'am!" "Yes: did not your father give you any hint?"

See whether he can reelly get four mile without a fuss. I was only waitin' till you come." The Fat Man Emerges The old man, the young man, and the girl rode out of the yard into the Paddock Close. "Where's Billy Bluff?" asked Silver. He was on Heart of Oak, she high above him, perched like a bird on tall old Silvertail, who looked like a spinster and was one.