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Attended by a vast grinding of gears and wheels, the rattling old car came to a stop fifty feet or more beyond them. "I'd sooner walk than take my chances in an antediluvian rattle-trap like that," said the tall wayfarer, bending quite close to her ear. "It will fall to pieces before you " But she was running down the road towards the car, calling out sharply to the driver.

For a few seconds my father hesitated, but he manfully broke the seal muttering, audibly, "What can the old rattle-trap write about? Her interest-money is not due for another fortnight."

They were boys of the 1915 class who had been called out and in a few days would be getting ready for war. In Paris you will see young fellows just like them, decorated with flags and feathers, driving round town in rattle-trap wagons like picnic parties returning on a summer night at home.

"Do you know where General Daniel Carvel lives?" "Yes, sah, reckon I does. I Street, sah. Jump right in, sah." Virginia sank back on the stuffy cushions of the rattle-trap, and then sat upright again and stared out of the window at the dismal scene. They were splashing through a sea of mud. Ever since they had left St.

Emily, this this rattle-trap you and I broke into is the 'property' we've talked so much about." Emily said well, the first thing she said was, "Oh, Aunt Thankful!" Then she added that she couldn't believe it. "It's so," declared Mrs. Barnes, "whether we believe it or not. When you come to think it over there's nothin' so wonderful about it, after all.

I think it would work splendidly. Just look around and see what he has done. He has made this charming cottage out of an old rattle-trap house. Everything you see in one afternoon, and lots of provisions in the kitchen besides. Sisters alone could never have done this." Mother Anastasia turned to me. "I will speak with you, outside," she said, and I followed her into the little yard.

"Do you know where General Daniel Carvel lives?" "Yes, sah, reckon I does. I Street, sah. Jump right in, sah." Virginia sank back on the stuffy cushions of the rattle-trap, and then sat upright again and stared out of the window at the dismal scene. They were splashing through a sea of mud. Ever since they had left St.

By the mass, the metal would have been confiscated for conscience-sake, like your other rattle-trap yonder at Avenel, which Mistress Lilias bears about on her shoes in the guise of a pair of shoe-buckles This comes of carrying Popish nicknackets about you."

The 'Paul Jones's' pilot-house was a cheap, dingy, battered rattle-trap, cramped for room: but here was a sumptuous glass temple; room enough to have a dance in; showy red and gold window-curtains; an imposing sofa; leather cushions and a back to the high bench where visiting pilots sit, to spin yarns and 'look at the river; bright, fanciful 'cuspadores' instead of a broad wooden box filled with sawdust; nice new oil-cloth on the floor; a hospitable big stove for winter; a wheel as high as my head, costly with inlaid work; a wire tiller-rope; bright brass knobs for the bells; and a tidy, white-aproned, black 'texas-tender, to bring up tarts and ices and coffee during mid-watch, day and night.

I don't know nothing about Melton Mowbray, sir, but the last time he came through here on his road to Bristol, he was in one of his own rattle-trap yellows, and had such a load his wife, a nurse, and eight children inside; himself, his son, and an apple-tree on the dickey that the horses knocked up half-way and... Jorrocks.