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The whole shebang smells shut up and musty enough, but there's somethin' about a best parlor smell that would give it away any time. Phew! I can almost smell wax wreaths and hair-cloth, even though they have been took away. No, this is an empty house all right, but I'll make good and sure for your sake, Emily. Ain't there any stairs to this old rattle-trap? Oh, yes, here's the front hall. Hello!

"And if you're going to insist on driving around the country in such a rattle-trap machine I I think I'd better be with you always." And say, I don't think I ever heard so much pep thrown into the weddin' march as when Barry Crane pumps it out that afternoon. He's wearin' a broad grin, too. Soon as I has a chance I whispers the news to Vee. "Really?" says she. "Isn't that fine!

Steve Hawn met him at the station with a rattle-trap buggy and, stared at him long and hard. "I'd hardly knowed ye you've growed like a weed." "How's the folks?" asked Jason. "Stirrin'." Silently they rattled down the street, each side of which was lined with big wagons loaded with tobacco and covered with cotton cloth there seemed to be hundreds of them.

Course I couldn't tell her what I told the sheeny, seein' as she's a female, so I took it like a lamb. Then they gits a feller up here to wash the car. My gosh, mister, the durned ole rattle-trap ain't wuth a bucket o' water all told. You could wash from now till next Christmas an' she wouldn't look any cleaner'n she does right now. So I sends word in to Mr.

Against violent protests from Issy, who declared that Ves Young's rattle-trap wan't fit to do nothin' but haul fish heads to the fertilizer factory, the Calvin beams and boards were piled high on the wagon and with Ves on the driver's seat and Simp perched, like a disreputable carrion crow on top of the load, the equipage started. "There!" exclaimed Albert, with satisfaction.

One chilling day in November, when an icy rain was falling on the black mud of the streets, Virginia looked out of the window. Her eye was caught by two horses which were just skeletons with the skin stretched over them. One had a bad sore on his flank, and was lame. They were pulling a rattle-trap farm wagon with a buckled wheel.

I never heard so much noise in any one place before; and if there was a man, woman, or child who slept through it in the peaceful village of Champigny, well, he, she, or it ought to go into a museum. Of course, all this was exciting enough, and I caught something of the fever when twenty soldiers pushed my old rattle-trap into the roadway, and a very fine gentleman gave the signal to "Go."

A rattle-trap buggy was crawling up a hill ahead of him, and when he passed it Steve Hawn was flopping the reins, and by him was Mavis with a radiant face and sparkling eyes. "Where's Jason?" John Burnham called, and the girl's face grew quickly serious. "Gone on, afoot," laughed Steve loudly. "He started 'bout crack o' day." The school-master smiled.

But when I came up, fit and ready to curse their heads off for giving me so much trouble, the fools had cut the leaders' traces and were off with them, and left me the old rattle-trap there. Sir George's face lightened; he took two steps forward and laid his hand on the chaise door. 'Just so, said Mr. Dunborough nodding coolly. 'That was my idea. I did the same.

'And you see, brother, you will be in safe quarters at Fairladies good old scrambling house good old maids enough, if they were not Papists, Hollo, you Jack Lowther; keep the line, can't ye, and shut your rattle-trap, you broth of a ? And so, being of a good family, and having enough, the old lasses have turned a kind of saints, and nuns, and so forth.