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Hardly had Manolo Berlanga left the shop when he hurried to his lodgings. He had no more than reached the front room when no longer able to restrain his evil thoughts he asked: "Has Amadeo got here, yet?" "He'll be here in about fifteen minutes," answered Rafaela. "It's nine o'clock, now. The train's already in. I heard it whistle."

I drew my knife you know that in spite of all the care they take, and all their searches, we all go armed and cried: "'Look out for yourself, now, because I'm going to kill you! "Then we fought, and it was a good fight, too, because he was a brave man. But his courage was of no use to him. He died on the spot. "Forgive me, dearest Rafaela of my soul, and make our boy forgive me, too.

Rafaela, who had lost all desire to be coquettish or to please men, let herself slide into poverty; and, in the end, she sank so low as to slop round the village streets, barefooted. This disintegration of her will coincided with a serious loss and confusion of her memory.

Bob spiralled upward until they were high above the ranch, and the figures below seemed little manikins. Jack believed he could distinguish Rafaela waving a lacy handkerchief, and leaned far over the side to wave in reply. Then they were off, zooming through the air, straight as an arrow for the international boundary and the Hampton ranch beyond. The flight was brief.

To Rafaela Sal, watching the soldiers file out of the mud-walled Presidio, it seemed that none sat his horse so straight nor so bravely as did Don Luis Argüello.

"Well, let's hurry away before it is too late." Rafaela stepped from her place of concealment. "Aren't you going to say farewell?" she asked. Bob looked at her in astonishment. Mr. Hampton, with a twinkle in his eye, viewed Jack ardently. The latter advanced with extended hand. "Miss Calomares," he said, "I can't tell you how grateful I am. I hope we shall meet again."

"Was it not natural for two lone women to lock their door?" "Humm!" The Don glanced quickly about the room. "Papa, what is the matter? What is the meaning of all this noise? Of those shots?" Rafaela anxiously inquired. "Some man impersonating one of my lieutenants gained entrance," said the Don. "I believe him a government agent. He may have come to attempt my life."

"Do you mean you will help me actually?" "Have I not said so?" asked Rafaela impatiently. "And it seems to me I have already been of some trifling aid actually?" The sarcasm was not lost on Jack. But he ignored it. Finding he still held the hand she had extended when urging him to follow her, he squeezed it. "You're you're fine," he said, enthusiastically.

"It seems to be pretty hard for you to decide." "It surely is!" "Yes, but are you going to get it settled?" "How do I know, Benjamin? Sometimes I think one thing, and sometimes another. Time will tell!" But the soul of Rafaela lay dead. Nothing could revive her illusions. The shoemaker, after many efforts, had to give her up.

All heard the remark, and laughed at Bob's mystification. "Come," said Mr. Hampton, and once more moved toward the door. Once more, however, his steps were arrested by a noise outside. This time they heard the shouts of many men approaching the house and crying "Viva, Calomares." "Too late," groaned Mr. Hampton. "They have driven off the attack, and are returning." Rafaela uttered an exclamation.