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Ten minutes later he was racing over the sand-dunes to the Presidio, his face radiant and his hand tightly clasping an official document. It had come at last the order from the king! Where was Rafaela? He hurried to her house and, folding her close in his arms, be whispered that their long waiting was at an end; that she was his as long as life should last.

"May I have the happiness of knowing your name, senorita?" he asked. "I am called Donna Rafaela Mora," answered the girl, simply. "I am daughter of the Commandant of Fort San Carlos. I am no Nicaraguan, but a Spaniard And, senor, what is your name?"

California was an isolated province in those days and the packet boat, touching on the shore but twice a year, frequently brought papers from Spain dated nine months previous, so the older people affirmed that permission could not be received for two years, while Luis and Rafaela declared that if the king answered at once and surely he would recognize the importance of haste word might be received in eighteen months.

Hampton. "It's as clear as a New York fog. But it's enough to know that Bob didn't you mention his name is here with the machine. Let's go and find him." He started for the door. But at that moment Rafaela, who stood closer to it, halted him with upraised hand. "Listen," she whispered. Cautious footsteps could be heard ascending the stairs. "Quick, Jack," whispered Mr.

When he came home at night from work, Rafaela ran to meet him with noisy jubilation and then cuddled herself caressingly on his knees, after he had sat down. All this filled Zureda with ineffable joy, so that he became quite speechless, in ecstasy. At such times even the thoughtful scar of the wrinkle between his brows grew less severe, in the calm gravity of his dark forehead.

Then, turning to Donna Ana, she said sharply: "You will stay here until I return. And if you betray me " Again she made a threatening gesture, and again the old duenna cowered. Thereupon, the girl hastened from the room and Jack followed. Up the spiral stone stairway of the tower ran Rafaela, passing the first landing where burned an electric light. Jack was close at her heels.

In the emptiness of the hallway his heavy, determined footfalls, echoing, seemed to waken something deadly. A bit surprised, Rafaela asked: "Aren't you going to eat supper here?" "Yes," he answered, "but I'm just going out to stretch my legs a little. I'll be right back." He kissed his wife and the boy, mentally taking a long farewell of them, and went out.

It sent Jesusita to her knees before the tortilla-stones; and Rafaela, Jose's wife, seized a string of tassajo, and plunged it into the olla. Then the little palm-leaf fan was handled, and the charcoal blazed and crackled, and the beef boiled, and the black beans simmered, and the chocolate frothed up, and we all felt happy under the prospect of a savoury supper.

He was married to Jacinta Rafaela, a Chinese mestiza of the Parian, as soon after his baptism as the banns could be published. She apparently was the daughter of a Christian Chinese and a Chinese mestiza; there were too many of the name Jacinta in that day to identify which of the several Jacintas she was and so enable us to determine the names of her parents.

One night when Amadeo came home from the Casino where he and Don Adolfo, with the druggist and a few other such-like worthies, were wont to meet every Saturday, he found the door of his shop ajar. This astonished him. He raised his voice and began to call: "Manolo! You, Manolo!" Rafaela answered him, from the back room of the house: "He's not here."