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I believe he agreed to let Pretty Sweet go along with us to Lake Dunkirk just because he likes to play jokes on Purt." "Dear me!" sighed Bobby, with unction. "With Pretty in your camp and Lil in ours, the sun of no day should go down upon us without, seeing some fun." "And if you have 'Lonesome Liz' along," chuckled Lance, "you girls certainly won't forget how to laugh."

"It would seem so." "I never thought of poor Purt as a chivalrous knight," said Bobby. "Maybe Laura is right," remarked Chet, rather grudgingly. "He is much more of a gentleman, perhaps, than we have given him credit for being," Laura concluded. "I hope it is proved so in the end."

Laura whispered: "Isn't she a splendid creature?" Purt had cocked an appreciative eye at her, and he murmured: "Quite true quite true, Miss Laura. She's as beautiful as Hebe," and gave the name of the goddess the very best pronunciation, according to Professor Dimp.

They told Purt that the Barnacle possessed a family resemblance to the Sweets that could not be denied. "He smiles just like you do, Pretty," said Arthur. "I declare I wouldn't deny the relationship." "You fellows think you are funny," snarled the dude, losing his temper at last. "I'll fix that beast!" "How you going to do it?" demanded Reddy, grinning.

The motorboats and their tows got off into the stream. There sat the deserted dog on his tail, howling most dismally as the boats drew up stream and left him behind. Laura called to Purt in the other boat: "Never mind, Mr. Sweet, I don't think you'll be troubled with that dog any more. It's twenty miles to Lake Dunkirk. He will never follow you that far."

When breakfast was ready we purt' nigh had to get a hoss to pull him out o' bed. I was interested in his tales of foreign countries, an' he used to tell me all about the castles he had been to. One day I happened to think of the letter what the drug clerk at Slocum's Luck had wrote us, an' I asked Bill what kind of a lookin' place Clarenden Castle was. "Clarenden Castle?" sez Bill.

Dave works on Barnes's place. And he kin purt' nigh make a full hand, too. Dave's purt' nigh tall as your pap! He's purt' nigh growed up Dave is!

As Lily Pendleton was one of the girls who must shop in Lumberton, Purt Sweet was most willing to tarry and accompany the girls ashore. He was, in fact, the only escort the girls had when they went up into the town in search of the several articles they needed. The dude was evidently proud of his outing suit and, as Billy suggested, "wanted to give the people of Lumberport a treat."

"Say!" exclaimed Billy, "there is somebody who will know. If Purt was there at the party, so was Lil Pendleton." "Lily!" exclaimed Laura. "I never thought of her." "And if she is likely to be sore on Hester now, as you say you all are," Billy continued, "she won't be for shielding Hester or any of her friends or relatives. Let me tell you that!" "I believe she must have been at the party.

"Didn't you say a part of this stream was a private fishing preserve?" "So I've been told. We won't go beyond the sign," said Lance. He got Laura and Purt properly stationed and then cast, himself. They were having good sport and had landed several beauties, when Billy Long came idly up the stream on the other side. "Hello!" he grunted. "Everywhere I go, there are girls.