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Updated: August 1, 2024

"My poy," said the Highlander, touched by Dan's appearance, "you hev been in the watter!" "Not exactly, father, but last night's thunderstorm caught us, and we had no time to seek shelter." "An' it iss fightin' you hev been?" "With water and rocks only," said Dan. "Well, well, go into the house now, and change your clo'es. Dry yourself, an' get somethin' to eat, for you are used up altogither."

Tom suspected that they had seen him long before he had seen them and that they had watched his struggles in the water. "Steward's poy, huh?" "I was captain's mess boy. The railing was broke and I never noticed it, so I fell overboard. I don't think anybody else got hurt," he added. The man twirled his mustache, still with his keen eyes fixed on Tom. "You bring ofer a lot of droops?"

Tar pees shum news of t'at wessel, eh? Tar don't pee no news of mine poor Tite, eh?" The old man extended his trembling hand and grasped the Dominie's arm nervously, his face became as pale as marble, and his whole system shook with excitement. "Tar shall come news as t' wessel mine Tite shails in comes pack," he ejaculated, "an tar pees no news of mine poor poy, eh?"

Who listen ven der boor leetle poy gry in der night? Who gome in der morning? Mine paby vould haf been ded if you haf not gome. Gott pless you; Gott pless your moder. I vant to dank her mooch." The grateful father had called down God's blessings so lavishly that Mildred very naturally said, "You have more reason to thank God than any one else, Mr.

"I didn't take the leading business then," Miss Fotheringay said modestly; "I wasn't fit for't till Bows taught me." Bows, who saw her capabilities, and is an uncommon 'cute man, gave her lessons in the dramatic art, and made her what ye see. What have ye done since Bows went, Emily?" "Sure, I've made a pie," Emily said, with perfect simplicity. She pronounced it "Poy."

Richartcried the Major, whose black eyes were beginning to swim in moisture; “pravisimo his a goot song; put Natty Pumppo has a petter. Letter-Stockint, vilt sing? say, olt poy, vilt sing ter song as apout ter wools

'Have you got an idea to work on? 'My poy, said Darco, 'I am primming with iteas. I am itching all ofer with iteas, as if I were living in a bag of vleas. I am Cheorge Dargo. Ven you find Cheorge Dargo without iteas you may co to the nearest ghemist ant ask for poison. Take your ben ant sit down, ant I will show you if I haf iteas or no.

Drawing me to her, she said, "I'll take you, too, Davy." "When you marry that wuthless Tom McChesney," said her grandfather, testily. "He's not wuthless," said Polly hotly, "he's the best man in Rutherford's army. He'll git more sculps then any of 'em, you see." "Tavy is ein gut poy," Hans put in, for he had recovered his composure. "I wish much he stay mit me."

Billy Blow, the clown, woke up just as the wagon reached the tent site at Clifton. It was nearly midnight. His sleep did not seem to have refreshed him much. He got down from the vehicle like a man half-awake, and as if the effort hurt him. He had to shake himself to get the stiffness out of his limbs. "Dis vos dot poy I told you aboud, Billy," said the musician.

"Von of dem say dot poy vos stole some money alretty." "It was a cock-and-bull story to make him a prisoner," said Tom. "I'm going to find him if I can," and he threw himself on the door with all of his strength. At first the barrier refused to budge, but when Sam and Frank also pushed, it gave way with a bang, hurling the trio to the floor inside.

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