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Updated: August 1, 2024

Lindau threw back his great old head and laughed, showing a want of teeth under his mustache. He put his hand on March's back. "This poy he was a poy den wars so gracy to pekin reading Heine that he gommence with the tictionary bevore he knows any Grammar, and ve bick it out vort by vort togeder."

He stopped still beside his panting animals when he saw me, his high boots sunk in the mud. "Gut morning, poy," he said, wiping his red face with his sleeve; "what you do here?" "I am going to Charlestown," I answered. "Ach!" he cried, "dot is pad. Mein poy, he run avay. You are ein gut poy, I know. I vill pay ein gut price to help me vit mein wagon ja." "Where are you going?"

"He's the proper person to do it," replied Coble; "the more so, as you may say that he's his natural enemy." "Yes, mein Got, de poy is de man," said Jansen. "We'll put him up to it at all events, as soon as he is out of his hammock," rejoined Jemmy Ducks.

When Mr Craham no, not Mr Craham, ta coot man; it was ta new Minister he speak an' say to her: 'Mr MacPhail, you ought to make your prayers in Enclish, I was fery wrathful, and I answered and said: 'Mr Downey, do you tare to suppose tat God doesn't prefer ta Gaelic to ta Sassenach tongue! 'Mr MacPhail, says he, 'it'll pe for your poy I mean it How's ta lad to learn ta way of salvation if you speak to your God in his presence in a strange tongue?

"Ah, my poy! where ta light kets in, ta tarkness will pe ketting in too. Tis now, your whole pody will pe full of tarkness, as ta piple will say, and Tuncan's pody tat will pe full of ta light." Then with suddenly changed tone he said "Listen, Malcolm, my son! She 'll pe fery uneasy till you 'll wass pe come home." "What's the maitter noo, daddy?" returned Malcolm.

Ven ze sister quarrellet among zemselves Papa sayt, 'Karl vill never be one opedient poy, ant still scoltet ant ponishet me. My goot Mamma alone loaft ant tenteret me. Often she sayt to me, 'Karl, come in my room, ant zere she kisset me secretly. 'Poorly, poorly Karl! she sayt.

"Surrender, Levi," said Shorty, running up. "Certainly, my tear poy," said Rosenbaum. "Anyding dat you vant. How are you, any vay? Say, dat vas a nead drick, vasn't it? Haf your horse sdumble unt trow you jest ad de righd dime unt place? It dook me a long dime to deach my horse dot. I'm mighty glat to see you." "HIST, boys, don't talk friendly to me out loud," said the prudent Rosenbaum.

"H'm! she wull pe carin' less for the gress, poy, than she wass used to do," returned the groom. "It iss my opeenion that they wull pe all wantin' to co away sooth pefore long." We refer to the above opinions because they were shared by the party assembled in Barret's room, which was still retained as a snuggery, although its occupant was fully restored to normal health and vigour.

Oh! let me up!" "Hole your mout, and shpeak ven you is shpoken mit," said Johnny. "Tony, shpeak an' tell me. How vas it? You is cut off Matty's head; you is got de monish, five tollars, vat I tells you he is vort; now tell me what for you gifs dis five tollars to dis pad poy, a poy so vorse as I do not know. I vill haf you tell me; if no, I calls de police."

Weston had put up a tempting lunch in a pretty basket, so when a boy came through the car bearing a large tray covered with doubtful looking viands, and shouting in stentorian tones: "Poy, coiks, tawts an' sanditches," Randy was not tempted to buy, but she watched the boy and wondered how he had the courage to walk the aisle loudly bawling his wares.

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