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Updated: July 31, 2024

"Has the young dog ever fought a bear?" "No; he don't know nothin'; but I reckon he'll pick up some larnin' in the next two, three days." "Have these dogs got the Plott strain? I've been told that the Plott hounds are the best bear dogs in the country." "'Tain't so," snorted John.

I am as innocent And free as are the starres from plotting treason Gainst their first mover. Pedro. I was then in France When of your fathers murther the report Did fill all Paris. Man. Such a reverend habit Should not give harbour to so blacke a falshood. Hen. Tis blacke, & of my dying; for 'twas I To cheate my brother of my fathers lands, Layd this most hellish plott.

And this Sent from the Lords of Utrecht, where 'tis prov'd That the new Companies were raisd by you, And to what purpose. William. To subvert Religion, To deface Justice and to breake the union And holly League betweene the Provinces. Vand. Your plott here to withdraw all the old Soldiers From the Commandement of the States, and wyn them To serve for your ends in a Civill war. Bred.

"The Plott curs are the best: that is, half hound, half cur though what we-uns calls the cur, in this case, raelly comes from a big furrin dog that I don't rightly know the breed of. Fellers, you can talk as you please about a streak o' the cur spilin' a dog; but I know hit ain't so not for bear fightin' in these mountains, whar you cain't foller up on hossback, but hafter do your own runnin'."

"To think of your friend Plott...! I've telephoned for a messenger boy to go to the chemist's." "You're at liberty to call the man a doctor," answered Mr. Prohack. "And I'm at liberty to call him a fine character actor." "I knew the moment you sat up it was jaundice," said Mrs. Prohack. "Well," said Mr. Prohack. "I lay you five to one I don't have jaundice. Not that you'd ever pay me if you lost."

Thomas Lloyd of Pensylvania, by whom it was transmitted to Charle Llwyd Esq. of Dôl y frân in Montgomeryshire; and afterwards to Dr. Robert Plott by Edward Llwyd, A. M. Keeper of the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. Mr. David's in Brecon, well acquainted with the History of the Principality. Gwenddwr, "white or limpid Water." Bara, "Bread." Tâd, "Father." Mam "Mother." Buch or Buwch, "a Cow."

You must know that 17 ffrench made a plott with foure Algonquins to make a league with three score hurrons for to goe and wait for the Iroquoits in the passage att their retourne with their castors on their ground, hoping to beat and destroy them with ease, being destitut of necessary things. If one hath his gun he wants his powder, and so the rest.

'In the first place I think its in my power to bring Allan Breack Stewart, the suposd murdrer of Colin Campbell of Glenouir, late factor of the forfet Estate of Ardsheal, to England and to deliver him in safe custody so as he may be brought to justice, and in that event, I think the delivering of the said murderer merits the getting of a Remission from his Majesty the King, especially as I was not guilty of any acts of treason since the Year 1746, and providing your lordship procures my Remission upon delivering the said murderer, I hereby promise to discover a very grand plott on footing against the Government, which is more effectually carried on than any ever since the Family of Stewart was put off the Throne of Britain, and besides to do all the services that lays in my power to the Government.

Ring up that d d doctor again, and if he can't come ring up Dr. Plott at once." "Yes, sir. Yes, sir." He rushed back into the bedroom, discovered Eve's smelling-salts, and held them to her nose. Already the blood was mounting again. "Well, she's not dead, anyway!" he said to himself grimly. He could see the blood gently mounting, mounting. It was a wonderful, a mysterious and a reassuring sight.

My busines is a foote; your Jewell, Madam, Will credit much the cause. La. Wee will withdraw And let me know how you have cast the plott. Enter Sir Richard, opening a Letter; a Footman waiting. Ri. From thy Master? his name? Foo. Sir Walter Littleland. Ri. I doe not know him. Foo.

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