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"Why, then, not tell him what I am?" asks she, boldly. "That means that you would be to-morrow what you're not to-day." "If he told me he had done wrong, I could forgive him, and love him none the less." "Your conditions are not the same. He is a gentleman by birth, you but a player's daughter. Come, child, be reasonable.

Those holes through the wall? Well, yes, he had never seen anything quite like that. And the billiard player's motive in boring the holes and the woman's rôle and the intricacy and ingenuity of the murderer's plan all these offered an extraordinary problem.

The player smiled in a far-off fashion, and presently ran the bow upon the strings in an exquisite cry; and then a beautiful avalanche of sound slid from a distance, growing nearer and nearer, till it swept through the room, and imbedded all in its sweetness. At this the old Indian threw himself forward at the player's feet.

Come laugh with us each man and wife; A player's stage is earthly life; The sting of death is only a prick, And hell the parson's "trap-door trick," Then up, up, and away! Here's Garrick, Booth, and Kean so bright, They shine like stars to give you light. So haste and join the merry throng, And loudly swell our happy song. Then up, up, and away! The star of prophecy shines in the east.

Eustace contingent gives them a royal welcome, and West and Cooke and Somers and others take their places in front of the seats and lead the cheering. "Rah-rah-rah, rah-rah-rah, rah-rah-rah, Hillton!" The mighty chorus sweeps across the campus and causes more than one player's heart to swell within him. "S-E-A, S-E-A, S-E-A, Saint Eustace!"

The first lesson to learn is to hold your nerve under all circumstances. If you can break a player's nerve by pounding at a weakness, do it. I remember winning a 5-set doubles match many years ago, against a team far over the class of my partner and myself, by lobbing continually to one man until he cracked under the strain and threw the match away.

Abnormal conditions for match play always tend to affect the better player more than the poorer, and bring play to a level. The reason for this is in the fact that the higher the standard of a player's game, the smaller his margin of error, the more perfect his bound must be, and any variation from the normal is apt to spell error.

In the life of leisure at Saint-Lange she had recovered from her grief and grown fair and fresh. Her grief had been violent at first in its course, as the quoit hurled forth with all the player's strength, and like the quoit after many oscillations, each feebler than the last, it had slackened into melancholy.

The piano was old, but tuned to the middle of the note, and the keys were swept by a master hand. The wires were not hammered; they were touched knowingly as by the player's own fingers, and so they sang and from out among the chords there stole an errant melody. This was not "piano-playing" and not a pianist's triumphant nimbleness it was music.

The painter told him, if he performed well, he would recommend him as a vaulter to the proprietors of Sadler's Wells; and Bragwell crying, "Leap for the King!" applied the point of his sword to the player's posteriors with such success, that he sprang over in a trice, and, finding the door unguarded, vanished in a twinkling; glad, no doubt, of having paid his share of the reckoning so easily.