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Updated: August 10, 2024

As to MONDAIN, and "remark" upon it, the ghost of what was once a sparkle of successful coterie-speech and epistolary allusion, take this: "In the MONDAIN Voltaire had written, 'LE PARADIS TERRESTRE EST OU JE SUIS; and as the Priests made outcry, had with airs of orthodoxy explained the phrase away," as Friedrich now affects to do; obliquely quizzing, in the Friedrich manner.

Paris was pleasant, but how absurd to call it "le Paradis des Femmes," as if les Femmes could find Paradise in a brouillard! "But," she exclaimed, with vivacity of voice and gesticulation, "the Signor does not come to hear the parrot talk; he is engaged to come that he may hear the nightingale sing. A drop of honey attracts the fly more than a bottle of vinegar."

People who collect prints of the eighteenth century know an engraving which represents a tom-cat, rampant, holding up an oval portrait of a gentleman and standing, in order to do so, on a volume. The volume is Les Chats, the book before us, and the portrait is that of the author, the amiable and amusing Augustin Paradis de Moncrif.

This lady is only a nominal prisoner " "It's a woman, then?" And my thoughts went back to mademoiselle. Could Sarlaboux have been mistaken? "Yes; and remember that her life depends upon her reaching the Queen, though she does not believe it." "May I ask this lady's name?" "Mademoiselle de Paradis, the greatest heiress in Poitou, but a Huguenot to her little finger-tips."

I looked her straight in the face. "Pardon me, madame, Mademoiselle de Paradis is not yet free " "What do you mean? You quibble with words, monsieur." Her lips were trembling, and her hands clenched; but, bowing coldly, I said: "No, madame, I do not quibble with words.

But it is her grief that utters these reproaches, and the steadfast heart of Maria is fearful of having sinned in yielding to it. Another dread is soon to assail her. Perhaps Francois Paradis was not able quite faithfully to keep the promises he made to her.

But all too soon he packed his knapsack, and promising to bring each of his friends the nose or ear of one of the shattered saints from the great cathedral at Strasbourg, the 'Peri' vanished from Paradis, and left them all lamenting. The little flurry in Italy ending peacefully, our travellers after much discussion resolved to cross the Alps and spend the winter in Rome, if possible.

Passing through the Rue des Arcis, which is a mean narrow street, at one of the lowest descriptions of wine-houses where dancing was going forward, perhaps amongst fishwomen and scavengers, I noticed a large lantern hanging out over the door, upon which was inscribed, "Bal séduisant, le Paradis des Dames," which may be translated, "Seductive Ball, the Paradise of Ladies."

For some time past, as I have reminded you, your funds have been running low, fortune has been against you at the tables, and you could not correct it at the Hôtel Paradis as you do with less clever players " "You are taking an unfair advantage of your position, Monsieur le Juge. Any one else who dared accuse me of cheating " "Bah! no heroics.

It is said that the King has spoken of nothing this morning but the beauty of Mademoiselle de Paradis." She gasped; and he went on: "I see you understand. Well, unless you agree to my terms mademoiselle is secure from harm; and I think you will find Anet a dull retreat." There was a little snapping sound, and she had broken her fan, and flung it from her on to the table.

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