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That kind of woman is certain to lapse sooner or later. She would marry Fred because of his standing, because he's a favourite with the smart people she thinks she'd like to be pally with. Then, after a little she'd run off with a German-dialect comedian or something, like that appalling person Normie Whitmund married."

It's about Mr. Little." "Young Mr. Little, sir, or the elder Mr. Little, his uncle, who lives in Pounceby Gardens?" Jeeves seemed to know everything. Most amazing thing. I'd been pally with Bingo practically all my life, and yet I didn't remember ever having heard that his uncle lived anywhere in particular. "How did you know he lived in Pounceby Gardens?" I said.

I mean to say he er he seems an awfully good sort, although he is a foreigner, and he and I have become quite pally. He seems quite a good sport, and he does not strike me as being the sort of chap who would poach on another fellow's preserves. Really, Myra, this is quite a shock!"

I had a profound conviction that he would never take his rightful place in society, be it the fault of adenoids or whatever; that low passion of his for being pally with all sorts made it seem that his sense of values must have been at fault from birth, and yet I could not bring myself to abandon him utterly, for, as I have intimated, something in the fellow's nature appealed to me.

There was a sound of scurrying feet and repressed impish laughter, as Bickerton opened the door and shut it behind him. "Now, Doe," resumed Stanley, "what have you to say for yourself before we leave the talking and get to business?" "Nothing," replied Doe, "except that I'll go on being pally with Ray whatever you do, you you set of cads!"

"You sees me pipin' yous off in town, and you was thinkin' maybe I'd drop in here to-night and crack this old box f'r the swag there'd be in it. You laid f'r me alone, because yit you wouldn't be willin' to give me up. Ain't that the size of it, pally?" "You've guessed it," I said, handing his own words back to him. "And now one more question, Dorgan: have you quit the crooked business for keeps?"

I was looking for Cyril to show up again any time after breakfast, but he didn't appear: so towards one o'clock I trickled out to the Lambs Club, where I had an appointment to feed the Wooster face with a cove of the name of Caffyn I'd got pally with since my arrival George Caffyn, a fellow who wrote plays and what not.

"Sure they are. They don't live with their husbands all the time they're pretty modern, you know. They have separate establishments, but they're friendly, pally, and even a heap in love with each other." "I don't believe it " "Fact, all the same. Where you going Warble that is, if you care to tell."

I had to go to the water jug in the Commissary and get a drink before I could thank Dorgan for telling me. "'Tis nothin'," he said shortly. Then, after a protracted pause: "What can she do to yous, pally?" "She can send me up for two years; and then some for the penalties." Again a silence intervened.

He walked quickly across the Park and the High Street, lighting his cigarette as he went, and flung open the door of the Court Journal office. "You've heard the news, Pally you've heard the news?" he said. "You'll hear more of them," said the King, dancing a few steps of a kind of negro shuffle. "You'll hear more of them, my blood-and-thunder tribune. Do you know what I am going to do for you?"