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They pressed forward effusively. "So good of you, Mr. Bines, to take an interest in us my daughter has been so anxious to see one of these fascinating mines." "Awfully obliged, Mr. Bines." "Charmed, old man; deuced pally of you to stay by us down in that hole, you know." "So clever of you to know where to find the gold " He lost track of the speakers.

"Listen a minute, pally: if you'll hold that gun right stiddy where it is and let out a yell 'r two, you can earn five hundred doughboys. Ye didn't know that, did you?" "I know you broke jail and skipped for it, but I didn't know how much the warden was willing to pay to get you back." "It's five hundred bones, all right. Study a minute: don't you want the five hundred?"

That comes of your notion not to have ready-to-wear beds in our suite. And you can just see how much fun it is to drag things out on tired nights." Jane sprang up from the divan and tried to yank the sleepy girl after her. "Come on, Pally," she implored. "I'll do most all the fixing, only I really demur at the disrobing. You know my hatred for buttons and fastenings.

"She said" he repeated slowly "that when I got to be pally with her, I'd conclude she didn't furnish." "Oh, yes," said Miss Wyman. "She just meant that when you knew her, you'd be disappointed. You see, she picks up all the race-track slang one can't help it, you know. And last year she took her coach over to England, and so she's got all the English slang. That makes it hard, even for us."

"There are thousands of rats in this part of the line, and they're audacious devils. In the dugout next door the straw at night writhes with them... I don't mind the mice so much. One of them comes to dinner on my table every evening, a friendly little beggar who is very pally with me."

Not very cheerful company, for he's awful bad, and when he does talk it's all in his parly-voo, kesky say, pally wag bang lingo that don't mean nothing as I can make out." "Ah, poor fellow! I suppose he's very bad." "Oh, that's right, sir!

You tied them all up in knots without leaving an end to follow. Neither clues nor climax just a jumble of sounds, but thrilling for all that. I was so fearful they would ask more about the unfortunate Shirley but you veered them off beautifully. Now, Pally dear, tumble in, and I'll slip out and get Dozia.

It might be for tennis, or even baseball, or yet to the lake, but a run was inevitable. And so they ran. Did you read your note, Dinksy?" Judith asked Jane, using the particular pet name adopted because of its very remote distance from the original. "You know I did, Pally." This was from Pal, of course. "A bomb threat?" "Not quite."