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After sucking the blue pencil for some time, he began writing again busily. "How will this do?" he said "I suppose," he said, looking up appealingly, and sucking the pencil "I suppose we couldn't say 'wictory' 'Wayne's wonderful wictory'? No, no. Refinement, Pally, refinement. I have it." Well, anything to annoy old Buck;" and he added, thoughtfully, in smaller letters

But, though we had subsequently become extremely pally, all I really knew about him was that he was generally hard up, and had an uncle who relieved the strain a bit from time to time by sending him monthly remittances. "If the Duke of Chiswick is his uncle," I said, "why hasn't he a title? Why isn't he Lord What-Not?" "Mr.

Only by slight degrees, then, did it fall to be noticed that the Honourable George did not hold himself to be too strictly bound by our social conventions as to whom one should be pally with.

He was like a tub that could never get full; he snored like a whole sty of pigs, and he looked red and bloated. "He is treacherous and malicious," said Dame Pally Dyre, Grubbe's daughter. Soon she was weary of her life with him, but that did not make it better. One day the table was spread, and the dishes grew cold. Palle Dyre was out hunting foxes, and the gracious lady was nowhere to be found.

He was up and moving toward the open window when he replied. "Who the hell would know that? I was a railroad man, pally, before I took to the road. These days I'm eatin' my t'ree squares and sleepin' good.

In some unexplained manner, the Honourable George, who is never as reserved in public as I could wish him to be, had chummed up with this person at one of the race-tracks, and had thereafter been almost quite too pally with him and with the very curious other members of his family the name being Floud.

The man made no move to obey when I ordered him to hold up his hands. Then I spoke again. "I've got the drop on you, Dorgan or Murphey; whichever your name is," I said. "If you move I shall kill you. You see, I know who you are and what you are here for." A voice, harsh but neither threatening nor pleading, came out of the shadows beside the safe. "You ain't tellin' me nothin' new, pally.

"I have just thought perhaps my letter does not seem very cheerful; so I must tell you we have lots of fun in between the serious parts of the game. Got pally with six French gendarmes and hope to see them again when I have another spell off. "I guess they could take me around the town if I wanted to see the sights.

You think you are pretty strongly intrenched because you and your crowd are quite pally with certain upper class students who pose as wonders of smartness. Well, don't build too much on your popularity. Popularity sometimes has a habit of vanishing over night. "'It seems too bad to be wasting time and paper on you, but I am square enough to let you have the truth straight from the shoulder.

But some fine mornin' a little man that I could break in halves wit' my two hands 'll come dancin' along wit' a paper in his pocket and a gun in his fist; and then it'll be all over but the shoutin' or the fun'ral. There's on'y the one sure thing about it, pally: I'll not be goin' back to 'stir' not alive; d'ye see?