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She had not recovered her appetite since her overdose of morphia. In vain her host recommended this or that dish, for the more appetizing the flavor, the more she detested them. At last when dinner was over, Mr. Rockharrt recommended her to retire to rest. She readily took his advice and bade him good night. Cora volunteered to see their guest to her chamber. "You will look at both rooms, Mrs.

The first announcement of her death appeared in an evening paper, stating the cause to be an accidental overdose of veronal taken to procure sleep, and Miss Leigh, seeing the paragraph by merest chance, gave a shocked exclamation "Innocent! My dear! how dreadful! That poor Lady Blythe we saw the other night is dead!"

"That is often true of an overdose," interjected the doctor, "and you may go a mile in a few minutes, or a few yards in a quarter of an hour. It is quite incomprehensible to those who have never experienced it, and is a curious proof that time and space are merely forms of thought."

It may happen, however, as it has happened to us, that the blossoms now so vigorous and blooming, may all drop off on the second or third day; and the naked plant, after making a sprawling and almost successful attempt to reach the ceiling for a week or so, shall become suddenly sapless and withered, the emblem of a broken-down and emaciated sot and, what is more, ruined from the self-same cause, an overdose of stimulating fluid.

Ephraim gave in detail the story of Pedro's visit and gift of the wand; of the many strange incidents of the last few days; of Ned's serious illness, caused by fright, Aunt Sally declared, but, as his mother thought, by too much rich food and an overdose of candy; and how, though he had repeatedly been heard about the premises, nobody had as yet actually seen Antonio Bernal.

"How long, O Lord, how long!" Twenty-one years ago to-day, Constance North had, intentionally, taken an overdose of laudanum. She had left a note to her husband begging him to forgive her, and thanking him for all his kindness to her during the three years they had lived together. She had also written a note to Miriam, asking her to look after the blind man and to be a mother to Barbara.

The quicker the better for all concerned." Nevertheless, he opened the little phial of medicine which Steele had given him and swallowed two of the pellets. That they were a powerful stimulant of the heart he knew, but that an overdose would kill he only suspected from Steele's word of caution. They were, indeed, magical in their effect.

"I know what I should do if I could get anywhere near Dillon give him an overdose of morphine, and let the widow collect his life-insurance, and make a fresh start." She looked at him curiously. "Should you, I wonder?" "If I saw the suffering as you see it, and knew the circumstances as I know them, I believe I should feel justified " He broke off.

Thus, under its influence, natives of the East become greatly exhilarated, then debased, and finally violent, rushing forth on the streets with the cry, 'Amok, amok, 'Kill, kill' as we say, 'running amuck. An overdose of this drug often causes insanity, while in small quantities our doctors use it as a medicine.

If, however, as sometimes occurs, he reaches us in desperate plight, having been so far injured by his habit as to show unequivocal signs of an opium-poisoning which threatens fatal results; if, as in several cases known to me, he has summoned all his remaining vitality to get to a place of refuge, being overtaken either by that terrible coma which often terminates the case of the opium-eater in the same fashion that persons new to the narcotic are killed by an overdose, or by that only less terrible opium-delirium belonging to the same general class as mania potu then his case admits of not a moment's delay.